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Clinics & SPOs

Supreme Court Litigation Clinic

  • Gavel with the Harvard crest behind it

    2015 Ames Moot Court Competition Gallery

    November 24, 2015

    A look behind the scenes of the final round of Harvard Law School’s 2015 Ames Moot Court Competition, one of the most prestigious competitions for appellate brief writing and advocacy in the country.

  • People gathered together in front of the Supreme Court building

    Supreme Court citing: Clinic students work on City of Los Angeles v. Patel

    March 11, 2015

    Last week, the nine justices of the Supreme Court peppered Tom Goldstein, veteran of 35 oral arguments before the Court and a cofounder of SCOTUSblog, with nearly 75 questions in 30 minutes – questions he was able to answer with the help of seven Harvard Law students who spent their January term working around the clock to research, write and edit the entire respondents’ brief in City of Los Angeles v. Patel.

  • Shadowing the Supreme Court: Law School clinic gives students intense grounding in real-time cases

    February 14, 2014

    For the past several years, Harvard Law School students have spent their break time between semesters in Washington, D.C., parsing reams of heady data and crafting nuanced legal arguments to cases headed for the U.S. Supreme Court.

  • The Supreme Court

    Supreme Court Litigation Clinic wins hat trick

    June 21, 2010

    Harvard Law School students participating in this year’s Supreme Court Litigation Clinic wound up winning a hat trick this year, with the Supreme Court ruling in their favor in all three cases in which the clinic’s students were involved.  

  • The Supreme Court

    Students in Supreme Court Litigation Clinic assist in brief-writing and case summaries

    May 17, 2010

    During the winter term, 10 Harvard Law students participated in the school’s Supreme Court Litigation Clinic, led by Lecturers Thomas Goldstein, Amy Howe, and Kevin Russell—all of whom are leading Supreme Court practitioners and experts on appellate litigation. The clinic gave students the opportunity to spend the month of January in Washington, D.C., working on actual cases that would be heard before the Court.

  • Supreme Court and Appellate Litigation Clinic

    Harvard Law School to launch Supreme Court and Appellate Litigation Clinic

    January 30, 2007

    Beginning in the fall of 2007, 12 Harvard Law School students will get hands-on experience participating in each step of the appellate process with a new Supreme Court and Appellate Litigation Clinic.

  • “May it please the Court”

    April 23, 2006

    Harvard Law students hoping to learn how to argue before the Supreme Court need go no farther than the Ames Courtroom or a winter-term classroom.