Dan Rohde
S.J.D. Candidate
drohde at sjd.law.harvard.edu
A Legal History of the Bank of Canada, 1934-1967
Fields of Research and Supervisors
- The Legal and Constitutional Development of Money with Professor Christine Desan, Harvard Law School, Principal Faculty Supervisor
- Legal History: Methods with Professor Kenneth Mack, Harvard Law School
- The Theory and History of the Business Corporation with Professor Reinier Kraakman, Harvard Law School
Additional Research Interests
- Legal Foundations of Capitalism
- Legal Design of Money
- The Legal History of Banking
- Corporate Law
- Administrative Law
- Labor and Employment Law
- Legal and Political Theory
- Harvard Law School, S.J.D. Candidate 2019-Present
- Harvard Law School, LL.M. Program 2018-2019 (requirements fulfilled, degree waived)
- University of Toronto Faculty of Law, J.D. 2011
- Brooklyn College, M.S. in Primary Education 2007
- Eugene Lang College at the New School University, B.A. 2005
Academic Appointments and Fellowships
- Harvard Law School, Student Fellowship in Law and Political Economy, 2023-2024
- Harvard Law School, Byse Fellow, 2022-2023
- R. Roy McMurtry Fellowship in Legal History, 2022-2023
- Weatherhead Center, 2021-2022, Canada Dissertation Research Fellow
- Harvard Law School, 2020-21 Graduate Program Fellow, Teaching Assistant for LL.M. Writing Workshop
- Weatherhead Center Canada Dissertation Research Fellow, Summer 2020
- Harvard Law School, 2019-2020, Graduate Program Fellow, LL.M. Advisor
- Harvard Law School Summer Academic Fellowship, Summer 2019
Representative Publications
Rohde, Dan, The Bank of the People, 1835-1840: Law and Money in Upper Canada (February 24, 2023). Osgoode Legal Studies Research Paper No. 4369752, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4369752
Rohde, D., & Parra-Herrera, N. (2023). “Law as Architecture: Mapping Contingency and Autonomy in Twentieth-Century Legal Historiography.” Journal of Law and Political Economy, 3(3). http://dx.doi.org/10.5070/LP63361144 Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/75b612f5
Blog Posts and Other Media
Dan Rohde & Lev Menand ed., Reassessing Central Bank Independence (May – August, 2021): https://justmoney.org/central-bank-independence/
Dan Rohde, Central Bank Independence & Commercial Bank Independence: Are We Asking the Right Questions?, Justmoney.org (August 3, 2021): https://justmoney.org/central-bank-independence-commercial-bank-independence-are-we-asking-the-right-questions/
Dan Rohde, Corporate Personhood & Corporate Purpose: A Response to Carly Knight, LPE Blog (January 5, 2022): https://lpeproject.org/blog/corporate-personhood-response-to-knight/
Dan Rohde, The Bank of Canada was not Built to Manage Inflation (At Least Not Alone), Monetary Policy Institute Blog (January 23, 2023): https://medium.com/@monetarypolicyinstitute
Six Reactions to the Silicon Valley Bank Debacle, LPE Blog (March 23, 2023): https://lpeproject.org/blog/six-reactions-to-the-silicon-valley-bank-debacle/
Dan Rohde, Bank of the People: History for Money’s Future, Money on the Left (April 5, 2023): https://moneyontheleft.org/2023/04/05/bank-of-the-people-history-for-moneys-future/
Additional Information
- Co-Editor: www.justmoney.org
- Harvard Law School, Teaching Assistant (Constitutional Law: Money and the Making of American Capitalism, Legal Architecture of Globalization: Money, Debt, and Development)
- Languages: English, Latin (working knowledge)