Payment Requests in Buy-to-Pay (B2P)
- Login to Buy-to-Pay to create a payment request (PR). Here is a Quick Reference Guide on how to create a Payment Request in B2P.
- Always include invoice number and date, and a sufficient business purpose (Why is Harvard paying for this? Which project or program or class is this for? Who is this purchase for?)
- If there is no printed invoice, attach an In Lieu of Invoice Form to submit. This is especially useful when processing honoraria or stipends when no invoice is generated.
- Please be sure to note if there is special handling or if there are special terms needed for this transaction. Special mailing is not available for all transactions, but can be used to request a deposit or other payment type for an event, equipment, or invoice. This service accommodates situations where an accelerated, one-time payment needs to occur. It is also to be used to request an enclosure with a payment or a special mailing (e.g. including addressed FedEx envelope).
HLS Independent Contractor Policy and Process
Under Massachusetts and federal law, the University is required to meet a number of obligations with respect to the treatment of employees, including wage and hour requirements, payroll tax withholding, and provision of workers compensation and unemployment benefits. The University has adopted this Policy to guide local departments or units seeking to engage independent contractors (ICs) and to establish procedures to ensure that individuals are properly classified as employees unless the strict requirements of the IC test are met. The consequences of misclassifying workers as ICs instead of employees may cause the University to fail to meet its legal obligations and give rise to significant liability, including taxes and related penalties, criminal sanctions, and civil liability.
All proposed IC engagements must be reviewed and approved as set forth in this Policy BEFORE engaging the individual, to ensure proper classification. Reach out to your Human Resources Officer early on to start a conversation about your staffing needs.
Please be reminded that independent contractor contracts cannot be approved retroactively; all independent contractor contracts must be reviewed and approved by HR and Finance before they are agreed to or signed and before any work commences. The Financial Office cannot authorize payment on any independent contractor agreement that has not been pre-approved in accordance with this process. Attached is a document title “Do I need an Independent Contractor Questionnaire” that we hope you find helpful.
Learn more about the HLS Independent Contractor Policy and Process on the HR website
Order and Pay for Office Supplies through Buy-to-Pay
Buy-to-Pay (B2P) is a comprehensive procure-to-pay solution where users request, approve and receive office supplies and other goods and services. To order office supplies you can go to the Office Supplies, Media and Stationary section of B2P to place your order. Find job aids and training for the B2P tool on the B2P website.