Who can help me with course website questions?
Contact Learning Experience and Innovation.
How do I log-into the Canvas course management system?
To access your HLS course websites, go to canvas.harvard.edu and click on the “Courses” drop-down menu. You will need your HarvardKey credential to access Canvas. If you have further questions, contact Learning Experience and Innovation.
When will I have access to my course websites?
This is tied to your appointment term (July 1st for Fall Term, January 1st for Spring Term and December 1st for Winter Term).
How do I log into my email when I’m off campus?
Email is accessible through Microsoft Outlook (Windows/Mac), via Office 365 Outlook, and various mobile devices. If you have further questions, contact Faculty/Staff Email (hlshelp@law.harvard.edu or 617-495-0722).
How can I get into library databases off campus?
The Library’s Legal Databases webpage can help you identify and access the most popular databases.
Alternatively, you can search for a database’s Title using HOLLIS (the Library’s online catalog) and then follow the link for “Online Access.”
In both cases, you may be asked for your Harvard Key credentials.
I have a teaching appointment. How do I submit grades, or change my bio on my Faculty Profile?
You can do this through HELIOS. If you are having difficulty, you should email Alaina Stuart, the Faculty Affairs Data Administrator for the Office of Academic Affairs. You can also contact the HLS Helpdesk at 617-495-9576.
I seem to have so many computer accounts and passwords. How can I make understanding this less confusing?
Please visit IT Services for Faculty for more information. You can also contact the Information Technology Service Desk.
Where can I find information about HLS academic policies or policies applicable to Visiting Professors and Lecturers on Law?
Please see the Harvard Law School Handbook of Academic Policies and Visiting Faculty/LOL Manual (password required).
How do I add publications to my HLS Faculty Profile, or get support with other publication efforts?
The Library offers a range of services to support you in publishing your scholarship, from posting your working papers to publicizing your final work. The Library can help you with:
- Posting drafts to SSRN or other online discussion paper services;
- Registering for the Scholastica Manuscript Submission Service or finding other resources for submitting your work for publication;
- Complying with the Law School’s Open Access Policy through Publication Agreement advice and depositing your work into Harvard’s repository, DASH;
- Adding your work to the Law School’s Faculty Bibliography so it appears on your HLS Faculty Profile;
- Adding newly published works to the Library’s Red Set (an archive of faculty works).
Visit the HLS Library Faculty Services webpage for the most up-to-date information. Contact research@law.harvard.edu with any questions and requests.
How can I apply for an entry-level law teaching position at Harvard Law School?
If you are interested in applying for an entry-level position, you should use the Association of American Law Schools and its Faculty Appointments Register.