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Lewis D. Sargentich

Professor of Law
Lewis D. Sargentich
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Lewis Daniel Sargentich teaches a section of the 1L Torts course and courses in jurisprudence and legal theory. He has been teaching at HLS since 1973 and became a full professor in 1979.

Born in 1944, he grew up in Alhambra, California. He did his undergraduate work at Occidental College and studied at the University of Sussex in England as a Marshall Scholar.

Sargentich earned his Harvard Law School law degree summa cum laude. He studied Torts in a course taught by Robert Keeton. According to Eugene Volokh’s Academic Legal Writing (2003), Sargentich’s Note on “The First Amendment Overbreadth Doctrine” (83 Harv. L. Rev. 844, 1970) had been cited more often than all but one other law review article written by a student. He served as one of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall’s law clerks.

Professor Sargentich is co-editor of Tort and Accident Law: Cases and Materials (4th edition 2004) with Gregory Keating and the late Robert Keeton. He is author of Liberal Legality: A Unified Theory of Our Law (2018).