Daniel Kahn
Lecturer on LawFall 2024

Daniel Kahn is a partner at Davis Polk & Wardwell in the White Collar Defense and Investigations group. Professor Kahn represents individual and corporate clients in criminal and regulatory investigations, including matters relating to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”) and allegations of fraud. Professor Kahn co-authored a treatise on Corporate Criminal Investigations.
Prior to joining Davis Polk, Professor Kahn spent 11 years at the Department of Justice, Criminal Division, where he held a number of senior positions, including acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General, acting Chief of the Fraud Section, and Chief of the FCPA Unit. Professor Kahn supervised and managed the day-to-day operations of the Fraud Section, and directly oversaw the FCPA Unit, the Market Integrity and Major Frauds Unit, the Health Care Fraud Unit, and the Corporate Enforcement, Compliance, and Policy Unit, and all corresponding matters handled by those units. Professor Kahn has tried and convicted a number of individuals in FCPA, securities fraud, and other white collar cases, and was the lead prosecutor on eleven corporate resolutions. Mr. Kahn twice earned the Assistant Attorney General’s Award for Exceptional Service, the Assistant Attorney General’s Award for Distinguished Service, the CFTC Chairman’s Award for Regulatory Excellence, and the FBI Outstanding Service Award. Professor Kahn also served as the Department’s liaison to the ABA Standards Task Force on Monitors.
Professor Kahn spent six years as an associate at Davis Polk from 2003-2010, where he worked on six trial teams. Among other cases, Professor Kahn helped secure the retrial and acquittal of a defendant wrongfully convicted of murdering a Bloods kingpin. Professor Kahn then first-chaired a trial against the state of New York and secured the then second-largest ever award under New York’s wrongful conviction statute. Professor Kahn was twice selected by the New York Police Department Executive Development Division to present on the prevention of wrongful convictions. He also assisted the New York Justice Task Force in investigating wrongful convictions.
Professor Kahn graduated summa cum laude from Cornell University and cum laude from Harvard Law School.
- B.S. Communication Cornell University, 2000
- J.D. Harvard Law School, 2003
Recent Publications
- Daniel S. Kahn, The Collapsing Jurisdictional Boundaries of the Antifraud Provisions of the U.S. Securities Laws: The Supreme Court and Congress Ready to Redress Forty Years of Ambiguity, 6 N.Y.U. J.L. & Bus. 365 (2010).
- Daniel S. Kahn, Guilty Until Proven Innocent, The Burden of Proof in Wrongful Conviction Claims Under State Compensation Statutes, 44 U. Mich. J.L. Reform 123 (2010).