Green Team
The HLS Green Team is a cross-campus network of HLS staff committed to learning about sustainability and living it through educational and impact-driven campaigns, events, and projects. Highlights include an Earth Day Fair, Zero-waste Commencement, and Freecycles to donate and re-use materials with Green Office Leads. All staff, students, and faculty are welcome to join the Green Team efforts.
For more information on how to get involved in the Green Team initiatives, email and request to join the Green Team list.
Green Office
The Harvard Green Office Program is a University-wide initiative to engage the community in creating more sustainable workplaces. The program is designed to guide offices through four “green leaf” levels of achievement, where each green leaf level is earned by integrating sustainable policies and behaviors into office culture. The levels are achieved through an online application, and points are awarded for activities that help advance the University-wide Sustainability Plan.
Harvard Law School has many recognized Green Offices across numerous departments and buildings. If your office is interested in applying for Green Office Certification, please visit the Green Office Program page through the Office for Sustainability.