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Harvard Law School (HLS) is dedicated to building a healthier, more sustainable campus. Supporting the University’s holistic Sustainability Plan, students, faculty, and staff are working together to turn research into action by generating new ideas and solutions to real-world challenges on campus. Students, faculty, and staff in the Harvard Law School community drive the School’s sustainability efforts. The involvement of so many stakeholders allows HLS to pursue a diverse set of sustainability projects and initiatives.

Sustainability initiatives at HLS focus on operating efficient buildings, reducing waste, contributing toward Harvard’s Climate Action PlanCool Food Pledge, and encouraging individual behavior change through community engagement programs. HLS has helped the University achieve its commitment to sustainability by incorporating energy efficiency into capital planning, construction, commissioning, and day-to-day operations. Custodial Services follows the University’s Sustainable Cleaning Standards by using non-toxic, environmentally friendly cleaning products and organic landscaping practices on campus.

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