Green Living
The Harvard Law School Green Living Program is an educational initiative that promotes sustainable living on campus and awareness of global sustainability issues. Established in 2005, the program has evolved over time and is integrated into the fabric and culture of the campus. The program engages students, faculty, and staff through many avenues, including student orientations, resident assistant meetings, and major annual events.
The Harvard Law School Green Living Program is an educational initiative that promotes sustainable living on campus and awareness of global sustainability issues. Established in 2005, the program has evolved over time and is integrated into the fabric and culture of the campus. The program engages students, faculty, and staff through many avenues, including student orientations, resident assistant meetings, and major annual events.
The Green Living program is supported by HLS Facilities Management, Dean of Students Office, and the Office for Sustainability.
Student Resources
Check out these resources for more information about green living and learning at HLS.
Look below for more information about getting involved with student organizations, journals, clinics, and programs working in the environmental field.
- Student Guide
- Environmental Initiatives at Harvard Law School
- Student Grants
- Green Your Events at HLS
- Sustainable Meeting and Event Guide
Student Organizations
HLS Animal Law Society
The Animal Law Society is a student chapter of the Animal Legal Defense Fund that supports HLS students interested in animal protection law, engages the HLS community in issues facing animals, and works to protect animals, especially via the legal system.
The Harvard Environmental Law Society
The HLS Environmental Law Society is a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization directed and staffed by students at Harvard Law School. This group provides students with hands-on exposure to the numerous issues in law, policy, science, and management that confront professionals in the field of environmental law. Members participate in conferences, host speakers, take trips, and collaborate with groups throughout the University and the world in their effort to address environmental issues.
Harvard Food Law Socieity (FLS or Foodsoc)
The Harvard Food Law Society (FLS or FoodSoc) is a student-run organization at Harvard Law School that fosters on-campus dialogue on issues in food law and policy. Food-related issues often implicate broader questions of public health, environmental sustainability, income inequality, economic development, and human rights. FLS supports a network of students, professionals, and food lovers who support a healthier, more equitable food system.
Student Journals
Harvard Environmental Law Review
The Harvard Environmental Law Review is the #1 environmental law journal in the United States, and has been published semi-annually by Harvard Law School students since 1976. HELR seeks to publish scholarship that significantly advances the field of environmental law, which we define broadly to include such areas as environmental justice; green infrastructure; energy; climate change; noise regulation; land use and property rights; toxic substances control; wildlife; natural resources; science and technology control; noise regulation; and workplace pollution.
Clinical Programs
Animal Law and Policy Clinic
The Animal Law & Policy Clinic provides students with direct hands-on experience in animal advocacy on behalf of both captive animals and wildlife, including litigation, legislation, administrative practice, and policymaking.
Emmett Environmental Law and Policy Clinic
The Emmett Environmental Law and Policy Clinic offers students an opportunity to do real-life and real-time legal and policy work. Clinic offerings include local, national, and international projects covering the spectrum of environmental issues. Depending on the project, students may undertake litigation and advocacy work by drafting briefs, preparing testimony, conducting research, developing strategy, and reviewing proposed legislation. Students present their work to clients, stakeholders, and decision-makers, including federal, state, and local officials.
Food Law and Policy Clinic
The Harvard Law School Food Law and Policy Clinic (FLPC) serves partner organizations and communities by providing guidance on cutting-edge food system issues, while engaging law students in the practice of food law and policy. FLPC focuses on increasing access to healthy foods, supporting sustainable production and regional food systems, and reducing waste of healthy, wholesome food.
Research Programs
Environmental and Energy Law Program
The Harvard Law School Environmental & Energy Law Program identifies strategies for policymakers and the private sector to overcome obstacles to environmental protection; facilitate the transition to a low-carbon, sustainable future; address the disruptive effects of climate change, and protect public health and welfare from environmental degradation.