Harvard Law School continues to be a leader in reducing waste at Harvard and recently achieved a University-wide goal to reduce waste per capita 50% by 2020. Waste reduction initiatives include campus-wide composting and single-stream recycling, Freecycle events, donation stations, and electronic waste collection areas.

What to Compost
- All food waste
- Teabags
- Coffee grounds
- Wooden stirrers
- Napkins
- Paper towels
- All Hark to-go containers

What to Recycle
All in one bin:
- Paper items & cardboard
- Glass jars & bottles
- Plastics (#1-7)
- Metal cans & foil

What to Trash
- Plastic utensils
- Plastic bags
- Wrappers
- Styrofoam
- Straws

What to Do with E-Waste
HLS has five electronic waste collection areas that can be found on the University-wide map along with e-waste collection sites across the University. What can go in the e-waste tubes
- Light bulbs
- Batteries
- CDs
- DVDs
- Cell phones
- Adapters and chargers
- Electrical cords
Please note:
- CFLs should also be recycled at these locations, preferably sealed in bubble-wrap.
- Please wrap all batteries in tape to reduce the possibility of short circuits and fires during transport.
- Computers, monitors, laptops, printer cartridges (both toner and inkjets), and other large electronic equipment, for secure destruction, can be brought to the ITS Service Desk in the WCC basement for recycling.

What to Do to Make an Event Sustainable
Harvard Law School is dedicated to building a healthier, more sustainable campus, and we encourage event planners to consider the environment when planning events.
Visit the Office for Sustainability’s Sustainable Meeting and Event Guide.

What to Reuse
Harvard Law School is committed to minimizing waste by promoting reuse. Each year, new students receive an HLS reusable travel mug at orientation, which they can use to obtain free morning coffee throughout the year by the Pub Servery and for discounts at the Café.
The HLS Green Team hosts Freecycles, through which you can drop off items such as office and school supplies that you no longer need and pick up something new-to-you for free.
At various times throughout the year, Donation Stations are set up by HLS groups and collected for various charitable organizations such as Toys for Tots, Habitat for Humanity, and Cradles to Crayons. Each spring, during move out, donation stations are also set up throughout the dorms. Unwanted clothing, dorm furniture and decor, dry goods, and other materials will be donated to charitable organizations.
Reuse Resources
At Harvard University, Freecycle events, an online reuse list, move-out donation boxes, and a Recycling and Surplus Center encourage reuse of donated or unwanted materials. Learn about Reuse Program and Resources at Harvard University’s Office of Sustainability.