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“The Joyful Case for Going Vegan,” A Conversation with Author and Philosophy Professor, Matt Halteman

April 18, 2025

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

WCC; 1015 Classroom

When you first hear the word “vegan,” what comes to mind? Is it an angry person chiding you for what is on your plate? Are you convinced that veganism is about condemnation and shame? Philosophy Professor and author, Matt Halteman will be giving a lunch talk to demonstrate that being a vegan is actually a joyful endeavor. Moreover, he will argue that it might even be the case that joyful veganism is the most effective way to expand the movement–curiosity, as opposed to condemnation, the new calling card of vegans.

So, join the Harvard Animal Law Society as we hear Professor Matt Halteman make “the joyful case” for being vegan.

As always, lunch will be provided!

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April 18, 2025, 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

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