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“It Is Now or Never”: A Crossroads for Lawyers and Law Students

March 28, 2025

12:20 pm - 1:25 pm

Pound Hall; 102 Classroom

As major legal institutions acquiesce to authoritarian threats, join us for an urgent conversation about what this moment means for lawyers and law students with guests Rachel Cohen and Massachusetts State Senator Lydia Edwards

Rachel Cohen, a (former) third-year associate at Skadden and HLS alum, resigned last week in protest after the Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison capitulated to the Trump administration. In her conditional resignation letter she called on her firm and all firms to use their power and influence to defend the rule of law and stand up for their colleagues.

Senator Lydia Edwards is currently working in the legislative policy space and thinking big-picture about the authoritarian turn and what are some options for response. Her extraordinary journey—from law school, to Big Law, to community organizer, to movement lawyer, to elected official—gives her a deep insight and a variety of perspectives regarding these urgent questions. Learn more about Senator Edwards here.

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March 28, 2025, 12:20 pm - 1:25 pm

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