HLS Beyond presents: Advanced Financial Planning for Different Legal Careers – Investing
March 27, 2024
12:20 pm - 1:20 pm
This event has passed
Langdell Hall; 232/233 Langdell

Now that you’ve learned about the basics, it’s time to think about specific investing strategies that suit your future financial profile – whether that’s BigLaw, work at a small or mid-sized firm, solo practice, or a public interest position. Investment analysis and risk assessment are important frameworks to familiarize yourself with as you begin setting up your retirement plan, consider purchasing life insurance, select an appropriate health insurance plan, shop around for liability insurance, and even begin estate planning. Come with your specific questions and get them answered by an expert from AccessLex Institute. You’ll have the opportunity to indicate specific topics of interest on the Registration Form and a chance to schedule free individual financial coaching on site. Lunch will be provided.
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