Aerospace engineer
Associate transportation planner for engineering and professional services firm
Biotechnology associate at a patent research company
Book author
Capitol Hill experiences (e.g., Congressional aid, Legislative correspondent, White House Council assistant)
Co-Founder/CEO of technology company
Coordinator of Native American Student Recruitment at an undergraduate institution
Criminal defense practice at a large legal aid organization
Cybersecurity and automation engineer
Data engineer
Director of development for an Orthodox Jewish day school
Financial analyst
Economic consultant
Education consultant/fellow
Environmental strategy intern at a carbon capture startup
Founder of fashion startup and women’s cooperative in North Africa
Funded graduate programs (e.g., Fulbright Scholar, Gates Cambridge Scholar, Rhodes Scholar, Schwarzman Scholar, Marshall Scholar, Yenching Scholar, George J. Mitchell Scholar)
Impact associate at a nonprofit organization
Investigative analyst/trial preparation assistant in a district attorney’s office
Investment banking analyst
Judicial assistant for a U.S. Court of Appeals Judge
K-12 teacher
Law clerk
Legal administrative assistant on children’s public defense team
Litigation analyst
Magazine editor
Management consultant
Military service in the United States and South Korea
Paralegal or legal assistant
Patent agent
Planner working with communities to reimagine public spaces to promote positive activities and to increase safety
Political campaign work
Political strategist/advisor
Privacy engineer
Program associate at a think tank or legal non-profit
Public service programs (e.g., AmeriCorps, Capital Fellow, Justice Corps, Rockefeller Foundation Fellow, Teach for America)
Research analyst/assistant/associate
Software engineer
Tax associate at an accounting firm
Weil Legal Innovators Program Fellow
YMCA Youth Program Director