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As an HLS student, one of the unrivaled benefits is the access you have to courses and faculty members in the other Harvard Schools, the Fletcher School at Tufts, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Whether you’re interested in exploring the international development offerings at the Kennedy School, learning more about entrepreneurial finance at the Business School or MIT, or developing fluency in Chinese at FAS, you should consider taking full advantage of the cross-registration opportunities we offer. JD students may count up to 12 cross-registration credits, and LL.M. students up to 6 cross-registration credits, toward their degree.

Non-HLS students wishing to register into HLS courses can review the process for incoming cross-registrants.

Below is some general information regarding the cross-registration process. 

Course Search and Petition Processes

  • Cross-Registration within Harvard

    HLS students are permitted to cross-register at any school within Harvard University, except the Extension school.

    Please read this webpage in its entirety before submitting a cross-registration petition in my.Harvard.

    • You can browse the Harvard University course catalog at
    • Cross-registration petitions are submitted within my.harvard.
      • Students should pay particular attention to any additional cross-registration instructions within a course description. Some schools require additional steps beyond the my.harvard petition.
      • Each school has its own cross-registration petition and enrollment period. To find the relevant dates, please refer to the Cross-Registration Dates module on the front page of
    • Cross-Registration vs. Auditing:
      • Cross-registration for courses and Auditing courses at HLS follow two separate processes.
      • Non-HLS students interested in auditing a class at HLS should not submit a cross-registration petition for the course and instead submit an audit petition found on the HLS Policies and Forms webpage.
      • Only active Harvard University affiliates are permitted to audit Harvard Law School classes. HU affiliates interested in auditing a Harvard Law School course must submit an audit request form to the Office of the Registrar. The form requires the signature of the instructor of the course.
      • For questions about auditing courses at HLS, students must contact
    • Information on the petition process within my.harvard can be found in the my.harvard Knowledge Center.
    • Information on HLS-specific policies and requirements can be found here.
  • Cross-Registration at MIT

    The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) offers a wide variety of courses that can supplement your law school studies.

    • You can browse the MIT course catalog here.
      • Of particular interest to HLS students may be MIT Sloan courses in accounting, finance, and valuation, included in MIT’s Course 15: Management offerings.
      • Students should pay particular attention to any additional cross-registration instructions within a course description. Some courses require additional steps beyond the my.harvard petition.
    • Cross-registration petitions are submitted within my.harvard.
      • Note that MIT courses are typically fed into my.harvard just before each term begins. You may want to browse the above-linked course catalog before the courses appear in my.harvard to get a sense of what is available. In addition, MIT courses in my.harvard do not include scheduling or location information. That can be found in MIT’s course catalog.
      • Information on the petition process within my.harvard can be found in the my.harvard Knowledge Center.
      • Additional information on logistics related to cross-registration at MIT can be found here.
  • Cross Registration at the Tufts Fletcher School

    The Fletcher School at Tufts offers courses in three main areas: International Law and OrganizationDiplomacy, History and Politics, and Economics and International Business.

    • Cross-Registration instructions for non-Fletcher students can be found here.

Petition Timing

Each school has different petition and enrollment periods for cross-registration. To find the relevant dates, please refer to the Cross-Registration Dates module on the front page of

Petitions often require approval by a number of different people, including but not limited to: advisors, faculty, home school Registrar and host school Registrar. Most schools prioritize their own students’ enrollment before admitting cross-registrants. Please see the information directly below on approval vs. enrollment.

Students are responsible for being familiar with and adhering to any timing, processes, and procedures related to their enrollment at another school.

Approved vs. Enrolled

It is important to note that faculty approval does not guarantee enrollment in a course, and Canvas access does not necessarily denote enrollment in a course. If the faculty member approves your petition, your request will be forwarded onto the host school’s Registrar’s Office. If your petition is approved by both the host school’s Registrar and the HLS Registrar, you will have the option to enroll. For most Harvard schools, you will need to return to and select “Enroll” after your petition has received all the necessary approvals.

Time Conflicts

  • HLS students are not permitted to enroll in courses that overlap, in whole or in part. Your cross-registered course(s) cannot conflict with anything on your HLS schedule and you must allow travel time between schools. You may not make arrangements with faculty at either school to leave early or arrive late in order to accommodate a cross-registered course.
  • You are responsible for understanding the schedule and rules at the school where you cross-register.

Credit Calculation for a Cross-Registered Course

  • Per ABA regulations, cross-registration credits will be awarded for every 720 minutes of lecture hour/mandatory class time. Please note, in most cases, we are not able to round up when determining credits. For example, if a course meets for 2,000 minutes, in most cases, you may only receive 2 credits.
  • It is important to note that there are exceptions to the 720 minute rule. For example, FAS language courses are limited to a max of 3 credits, and intensive language courses are limited to a max of 4 credits. Additionally, studio and field courses are limited to a max of 2 credits. Other exceptions deemed appropriate by the HLS Registrar’s Office may apply.

Grades for HLS students

  • Grades are not converted between schools and whatever grade you are assigned at the host school will appear on your HLS transcript as the grade of record. Grades from cross-registered courses are not included in the calculation of honors.
  • Please note, most graduate schools do not allow pass/fail grading, and you should not try to negotiate different grading with the professor. If you have any specific questions about grading at the host school, you will want to follow up with their Registrar’s Office.

Academic Calendars for Cross-Registration Schools

If you have any additional questions or concerns surrounding cross-registration, please contact the HLS Registrar’s Office.