Fall 2023 • Course
Nuts and Bolts of Forming a Venture Capital Fund
Prerequisites: None
Exam Type: No Exam
This course introduces students to the relationship between limited partner (LP) investors and the general partner (GP) managers of a VC fund. Among topics covered are (1) types of LPs; (2) due diligence performed by LPs; (3) the contractual relationship between LPs and the GP, including compensation of the GP; and (4) the post-closing relationship between LPs and the GP. Reading materials will consist mostly of contractual documents and practitioner articles. Grading will be based on weekly memos on the assigned readings.
Note: This course will meet over six weeks launching the week of October 3.
Note: This is the same offering as the Fall 2019 course, Investing in VC Funds. If you completed the previous course, you will not be eligible to enroll in this.