Spring 2023 • Reading Group
Law, Human Rights, and Social Justice in Israel-Palestine
Prerequisite: This reading group is open to students who have completed an HLS course in human rights. Students who have a background in human rights law and advocacy, but do not meet the HLS course prerequisite, may enroll with permission of the instructor.
Exam Type: No Exam
This reading group offers a thoughtful and nuanced exploration of questions of human rights and social justice in the context of Israel-Palestine. We will discuss a range of themes and controversies, including the right to self-determination; Israeli and Palestinian nationhood and statehood; refugees and migration; Israel’s control of the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem; economic and social justice; and gender justice. We will ground our discussion in a human rights framework, focusing on the interrelation between law, power, and the lived experiences of Israelis and Palestinians. Readings will include international legal instruments, domestic legislation, court decisions, and works by authors from diverse backgrounds and disciplines. Students will be encouraged to employ a reflective and critical approach to the study of law and social justice and to engage constructively with historical and contemporary debates.
Note: This reading group will meet on the following dates: 1/30, 2/13, 2/27, 3/20, 4/3, 4/17