Spring 2025 • Course
Introduction to Advocacy: Civil Legal Aid Ethics, Theory, and Practice – Part 2
To learn more about the Clinical Curriculum and Registration, please visit our Clinical Registration Center. You can also find more information on How to Register for Clinics and How Clinical Credits Work.
For more information about this clinic, please visit the Clinic Website and OCP Blog Highlights.
Required Clinic Component: Harvard Legal Aid Bureau 2L (4 fall clinical credits + 4 spring clinical credits). This clinic and course are bundled; your enrollment in the clinic will automatically enroll you in the required course.
Additional Co-/Pre-Requisites: Evidence. Students must enroll in Evidence separately from clinic enrollment.
By Permission: Yes.
Add/Drop Deadline: Please contact HLAB for more information.
LLM Students: LLM students are not eligible to enroll.
This course will focus on advanced practice building on the concepts of civil legal aid covered in the fall regarding lawyering skills and the role and ethics of lawyers. The spring course will focus on public interest leadership, system and management of a multi-issue, and multi-strategic legal aid organization.
Students will write a final paper that addresses an ethical or professional issue related to their casework, the course readings, or other aspects of the legal profession.
This course is eligible to count towards either the analytical writing requirement or the experiential learning requirement but not both. For the analytical writing requirement, the paper must be at least 20-25 pages and include independent research. Students will engage in peer and supervisor review before submitting the final paper.
Enrollment in this course is restricted to 2L Harvard Legal Aid Bureau members and will not be in clinical registration. The Office of Clinical and Pro Bono Programs will enroll all HLAB 2L members in this course.