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Fall 2025 Course

Class Actions: Litigating Advanced Topics

Professional Writing: Successful completion of appropriate written work in this offering satisfies the professional writing requirement for matriculants to the J.D. program.

Prerequisite: Civil Procedure

Exam Type: No Exam

This course will focus on current topics in federal class action litigation through an experiential lens. In addition to readings and classroom discussion, over the course of the semester each student will be asked to draft two class certification briefs (one on the plaintiff side, one on the defense side) and a judicial opinion, and to make an oral argument for or against class certification, all based on a hypothetical case.  This course will cover class actions through the various stages of litigation, from initiation and initial motion practice (federal jurisdiction, selecting plaintiffs, standing, “class standing”, mootness, etc.), to class certification standards, procedures and opt outs, to class settlements, objectors and fee awards, class action tolling, and management of repetitive class actions.