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Office of Career Services
4020 Wasserstein Hall (WCC)
1585 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138

Building a 21st Century Small Law Practice

The economy has changed, competition is steep, and clients expect the same (or more) services for half the price. Large and small law firms alike must adapt to survive. This program contemplates the changing legal landscape while diving head first into what you need to know to open a small law practice in the 21st century. Whether you are a brand new solo or small firm or thinking about opening shop, you’ll benefit from the discussion of topics such as pricing strategies, technology, marketing, staffing, office options, and more. This webinar will provide a checklist of best practices for you to use when setting up your small law practice.

Meet the Judge: Carlos Bea, 9th Circuit

Hear the Honorable Carlos Bea from the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in San Francisco chat with students in a group…

Litigation: Liza Velazquez ’96 (podcast)

A partner in the Litigation Department of Paul Weiss, Liza Velazquez ('96) has extensive experience representing financial institutions in a broad range litigation and regulatory matters, specializing in complex commercial matters as well as class and collective action employment litigation.