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Thank-you notes are a key part of following up after an interview. Always write a thank-you note or email within 24 hours after your interview. Check out OPIA’s Job Search FAQs for even more information.

Thank-You Notes: Individual Interviews

  • A brief but enthusiastic thank-you note written soon after the interview can be particularly effective and should be done automatically
  • Always write thank-you notes within 24 hours of your interview
  • Emailing a thank-you note is common and perfectly acceptable
  • Your thank-you note should touch upon the following points:
    • Show appreciation for the interviewer’s time
    • Reference key parts your conversation
    • Reiterate interest in the organization/position
    • Invite requests for additional information and provide grounds for follow-up
  • You may choose to handwrite a thank-you note; if you do, be sure that your note will arrive within a day or two of the interview
    • Do not send thank-you notes to government employers, as their mail system will likely cause significant delay
  • The thank-you note below is intended to serve as an example:

Dear Attorney Smith,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me yesterday to discuss my strong interest in the internship at the Housing Rights Center. I enjoyed learning about the organization’s recent efforts to protect the housing rights of low-income tenants in Los Angeles. As an L.A. native, I am keenly aware of the challenging circumstances many residents face and admire HRC’s efforts to address the city’s persistent socioeconomic injustice. Our conversation yesterday further strengthened my interest in working for HRC this summer. Please let me know if I can provide you with additional information. Thank you again for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

James Henry

Thank-You Notes: Group Interviews

  • Remember to write down the name of each interviewer and later locate each person’s email address online; if possible, request a business card from each participant following the interview
  • After a panel interview, you may:
    • Send personalized notes to each participant, thanking each person for his or her time; or
    • Send a collective note to the group
    • If your interview was held by phone or video and drafting individual or collective notes and that poses a challenge, write a single note to your primary interviewer, referencing the other participants
  • The thank-you note below is intended to serve as an example:

Dear Mr. Jones,

Thank you for taking the time to interview me yesterday. I enjoyed learning about the internship at the Housing Rights Center and appreciated the opportunity to meet with you and other members of the staff. Please thank Mr. Johnson, Ms. Jones, and Mr. Williams for speaking with me about their efforts to address predatory lending practices. My experience working with recent immigrants at the Harvard Legal Aid Bureau has affirmed my commitment to working with those who encounter socioeconomic and linguistic barriers. I am very excited about the possibility of joining HRC next fall. Please let me know if I can provide you with additional information. I look forward to hearing from you.

Jessica Adams