Case: Energon, U.S.A. v. Ames County Board of Commissioners

A writ of certiorari is granted on the following two questions:
- Whether federal common law exclusively governs claims seeking redress for injuries allegedly caused by the effect of interstate greenhouse gas emissions.
- Whether a federal district court has jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1331 over claims seeking redress for injuries allegedly caused by the effect of interstate greenhouse gas emissions even if they are pleaded under state law.
- Sri Srinivasan, U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
- Britt Grant, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit
- Rowan Wilson, New York Court of Appeals

The Lani Guinier Memorial Team
Best Brief, Best Overall
Daniel Ergas
Gillian Hannahs
Emily Hatch
Samantha Neal, Best Oralist
Sierra Polston
Natalie Tsang

The Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Memorial Team (Respondent)
Pauline Esman
Justin Fishman
Connor Haaland
Samantha Ilagan
Nikolas Paladino
Lincoln Plews