Remembering a Beloved Book-Lover
“I just felt that I wanted to do something to symbolize his strong feelings for the Law School,” Waltrud explains. “The School meant a great deal to him, and over the years has come to mean a great deal to me, as well. I derive a great deal of satisfaction from remembering my husband in this way, and I know he would feel exactly the same way, too.”
What Will Make the World a Better Place?
David and Carolyn Clark — both members of the Class of ’68 — can’t remember exactly when they made their first planned gift to Harvard Law School. “Probably in the first will that I wrote,” Carolyn muses, “there was a bequest to the Law School.”
Transferred Management of His Trust to Harvard
Neil Prior began thinking about his ultimate gift to Harvard Law School in the late 1990’s. He was motivated by the leadership at Harvard Law School — former Deans Elena Kagan and Robert Clark.