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WCC in the evening
Credit: Brooks Kraft

Everything we do at Harvard Law School is a community effort — teaching, public service, Reunions, and more.

Your show of support is a reflection of what HLS has meant to your career and your life, and the value you place on the role it plays in society and the advancement of the legal profession.

There are many ways for HLS alumni to support our community and while monetary gifts are always appreciated, we are also grateful for gifts of your time as well.

Reunion Gift Committee

Each class’s Reunion Gift Committee focuses on gift-related outreach to encourage classmates to make contributions of any size to their class’s Reunion gift campaign.

If you are interested in helping to raise money toward your class’s Reunion gift and in support of HLS’s mission and continued excellence, or want to learn more about volunteering to be part of your class’s Reunion Gift Committee, please contact Sarah Bell at

Class Agent Program

The Class Agent Program (CAP) has been a staple of alumni engagement and fundraising at Harvard Law School since the mid-1950s. Participation in CAP is a great way to rekindle old friendships and start new ones while asking your HLS classmates to join you in supporting the Law School.

Last year, CAP included representatives across dozens of classes who reached out to hundreds of classmates. Their phone calls, letters, texts, and email messages helped to bolster the HLS Annual Fund and provide the dean with resources to support the Law School’s curricular innovation, financial aid, campus improvements, and much more. Alumni volunteers and donors are the driving force behind CAP’s success.

If you are interested in becoming part of the Class Agent Program, please fill out this volunteer interest form, or contact Shirley Barkai at

Exterior of the WCC

Class Agents Program Volunteer Guidebook

To help volunteers, we’ve put together a guidebook of resources, including a volunteer checklist, example text for peer-to-peer outreach, and more!

View Guidebook


Our volunteers have access to GiveCampus, a secure online portal for Harvard University volunteers. The user-friendly interface allows you to select and track your peer outreach assignments, obtain up-to-date giving history and contact information for your classmates, and access helpful information from our online resources.

GiveCampus is designed to improve connections with classmates, increase participation, encourage engagement, and support your work to raise funds to support Harvard Law School’s mission.

To access GiveCampus, you must be listed as an active Class Agent in our system.

For more information, questions, or updates, please contact us at