Happy Halloween!
Yesterday, Harvard Law School celebrated this spooky holiday with a “trick or suite” event. Offices decorated their suites with a different theme, and HLS community members and their families had the opportunity to trick or treat for candy around the school. Our suitemates at Student Financial Services dressed up our conference room with a Super Mario Bros. theme – picture below! Congratulations to the Office of Clinical and Pro Bono programs for taking first place with a Haunted Olympics theme.
Amid all the candy, we’re settling in today to begin reviewing the pool as a whole and start selecting candidates for an interview. We expect the first round of interview invites to go out next Thursday, November 7, with interviews beginning that following Tuesday after the Veterans Day long weekend.
Regarding interviews, Pamela will be joining Sam, Lucas, and Courtney as an interviewer this year. They are all excited to start meeting candidates through these discussions. Meanwhile, I have stepped away from interviewing candidates this cycle, which will allow me more time to engage with the entire applicant pool and build relationships with admitted students this spring.

Filed in: Assistant Dean's Corner
Contact the J.D. Admissions Office
Website: hls.harvard.edu/jdadmissions
Email: jdadmiss@law.harvard.edu