Exciting news out of the J.D. Admissions Office! Our very own Pamela Toscano is stepping into a role as Assistant Director.
Pamela has served as an Admissions Officer in our office for the past three cycles, reading literally thousands of applications each year. Beginning this year, she will begin interviewing candidates during the regular J.D. cycle.
Pam already has plenty of practice interviewing candidates during the Junior Deferral Program and transfer application cycles. I know her future interviewees will enjoy speaking with Pam – she works directly with our student organization partners, so Pam knows plenty about the student experience. Check out our “Meet the J.D. Admissions Team” webpage to read a bit more about her as well.
Congratulations, Pam!
Contact the J.D. Admissions Office
Website: hls.harvard.edu/jdadmissions
Email: jdadmiss@law.harvard.edu