August is a month of transition in the J.D. Admissions Office. Orientation for incoming 1L students is on the horizon, and we’re already gearing up for another admissions season beginning in September. And as the admissions team gets ready for next cycle, we know you are too. We’re excited to begin reading your stories, but in the meantime, we want to help you submit the best application you can.

That’s why, over the coming weeks, we will be sharing the “Real Talk” blog series.  You can expect straightforward and actionable advice on the admissions process, as well as insight and guidance on the various application components. From the personal statement and letters of recommendation, to advice on interacting with members of the admissions team – we’re going to get real. Keep an eye out for our first installment on the personal statement later this week, with more to come soon.

Filed in: Inside the Black Box

Contact the J.D. Admissions Office

