FSS Course Support
Faculty Research
June 2, 2023
Hire a student research assistant (RA) or teaching fellow (TF) Information about hiring RAs and TFs can be found here: Hiring Research Assistants and…
Exams and Grading
June 2, 2023
Exams For information about exams, see the Registrar’s Office exam page. This includes detailed information about exam schedules, exam software (Exam4) information,…
Copyright for Course Materials
June 2, 2023
If a class you support uses book excerpts and articles in a course pack (print or electronic) or on a course website, you may have…
Copy Center
June 2, 2023
The HLS Copy Center is a full-service, internal printing center available to service a wide array of printing needs, including course packets and materials. For instructions…
Books for Courses
June 2, 2023
The HLS Coop is the Law School’s bookstore on campus, providing books for courses, HLS apparel, and convenience items. It is an off-shoot of the…
Course Logistics
May 31, 2023