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The Office of Career Services (OCS) offers numerous ways to connect with HLS students including OCS hosted events, podcasts, and programming. Harvard Law School’s Student Organizations are very active and host many employer events as well.

Student Engagement Opportunities

  • Networking Masterclass & Mingle (January)

    This highly popular event will be held in-person at the law school on Thursday evening, January 16th. The program includes a keynote talk for students, followed by an employer reception from 7-9  pm with food, drinks, and plenty of opportunity to connect with our 1Ls in a fun and festive setting. The sponsorship fee is $1,500 per firm. If you would like to join us, please register via this survey by Monday, January 6th.

  • In-person Cambridge Area Receptions (Spring Semester)

    Receptions are firm hosted off-campus events and can be in the form of an event at a restaurant, a bowling night at a bowling alley, a short film viewing at a local theater or even a gourmet coffee tasting. Harvard Square and the surrounding areas offer a range of quality restaurants and venues from which to choose when hosting an off-campus event.

    For venue ideas, please see

    Employers must receive OCS approval for Harvard only receptions to ensure that the event will not conflict with other scheduled events.

    Please submit your sign up here. Dates will be confirmed within 5 business days of submission.

  • In-person Coffee Chats at the Office of Career Services (Spring Semester)

    Host a coffee chat in our office suite Coffee chats are available from 11am-2 pm daily, and employers are welcome to send 2-3 representatives to speak with students in a drop-in, casual setting which our office will publicize These chats are super popular with 1Ls and a great way for firms to get on campus. To register for a coffee chat, please use this link. Dates are available on a first-come, first-served basis.  

  • Meet the Firms (Firm Fair) for 1Ls (Fall Semester)

    The Firm Fair is an opportunity for you to connect in person with our students ahead of 1L recruiting events. Each firm will be assigned one 6’ long table with two chairs.   Each firm is allowed to have 2 representatives at their table, but representatives may swap out throughout the evening.  Firms may send or bring swag and informational brochures to distribute at the fair. Participation in the fair is $2000.  

  • 1L Mock Interview Program (Fall Semester)

    This November program provides students with an opportunity to get real feedback from practicing attorneys on how to refine their interview skills. Attorneys meet with approximately 2-4 students via Flo Recruit (virtual interview platform) and conduct 30 minute mock interviews. Scheduling is coordinated by OCS.


The OCS website includes recorded podcasts from law firms and other legal employers for students to download. These instructional podcasts feature short interviews with firm representatives and cover practice areas, practice settings, professionalism, and on-the-job skills. These podcasts are crafted to give students an opportunity to learn more about a subject from practicing attorneys.

Please note that the opinions expressed in the podcasts and any materials linked therewith represent the views of the speakers and do not necessarily represent those of the Office of Career Services, Harvard Law School or Harvard University.

Publicity & Marketing Materials

OCS will publicize coffee chats, receptions and other firm events (including firm hosted multi-school events when appropriate).

Additionally, firms may submit any written or video marketing materials to be uploaded to the Symplicity Employer Resource Library for students. We will accept materials on a rolling basis and upload to Symplicity at any time during the spring semester. To submit materials, please email them to

*Please note that materials submitted in the spring and summer of 2024 have been removed from the library.

OCS Publicity will consist of the following:

  • A listing in Symplicity where students RSVP for events (for chats and receptions)
  • A listing on the OCS events and the university calendar (for chats and receptions)
  • Weekly posts on the OCS blog for students (for chats, receptions, other firm events and resource library materials)

Policies & Procedures

Employers may not communicate directly or indirectly with first year students before November 1. Invitations to social functions scheduled before November 1 should be directed only to second and third year students. For more details on HLS Recruiting and Interview Policies please see our policy page.

Individual firm information sessions, coffee chats or networking receptions must comply with Harvard Law School’s non-discrimination policy.

Employers that fail to comply with these policies may not be able to utilize the facilities and services of the Office of Career Services.


We welcome firm and alumni participation in our programming. For all inquiries, contact us at