Yueduan Wang
S.J.D. 2021
ywang at sjd.law.harvard.edu
“Laboratories of Democracy and Authoritarianism: Subnational Experiments in the U.S., India, and China”
This research compares the Chinese government’s approach to subnational policy experiments with the approaches of India and the US. It argues that these distinct experimental models are primarily shaped by the interaction between constitutions and partisan/factional dynamics in these countries.
Fields of Research and Supervisors
- Comparative Constitutional Law with Professor Vicki Jackson, Harvard Law School, Principal Faculty Supervisor
- China Law and Chinese Legal Traditions with Professor William Alford, Harvard Law School
- American Constitutional History and Constitutional Theory with Professor Michael Klarman, Harvard Law School
- Chinese Politics and Political Science with Professor Elizabeth Perry, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University
Additional Research Interests
- Judicial politics
- Constitutions in non-democratic countries
- Harvard Law School, S.J.D. 2016-2021
- Harvard Law School, J.D., 2015
- University of Pennsylvania Law School, LL.M., 2010
- Peking University, China, LL.B., 2009
Selected Publications
- Laboratories of Authoritarianism, 57 Stanford Journal of International Law (forthcoming 2021).
- Preempting Court-Civil Society Synergy: How China Balances Judicial Autonomy and Legal Activism, 50 Hong Kong Law Journal (forthcoming 2020).
- “Detaching” Courts from Local Politics? Assessing Judicial Centralization Reforms in China, The China Quarterly, doi: 10.1017/S0305741020000740 (2020).
- The More Authoritarian, the More Judicial Independence? The Paradox of Court Reforms in Russia and China, 22 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 529 (2020).
- Overcoming Embeddedness: How China’s Judicial Accountability Reforms Make Its Judges More Autonomous, 43 Fordham International Law Journal 737 (2020).
Last Updated: November 2, 2020