- On-line at HU Cross-Registration website. The instructor will receive an email alerting him or her that a student is interested in cross-registering. If the instructor approves the online petition the Host School registrar will enroll the student based on availability. Students are not enrolled in a course until they receive email confirmation from the Host School registrar.
- Approval from the faculty member is not the same as being enrolled by the Registrar’s Office. You must receive confirmation that you are enrolled in the class by the appropriate Registrar’s Office before your registration is complete.
- Please click here to see the mandatory steps to cross-register at HBS-MBA.
- For LLM students only: Upon submitting your cross-registration petition, all LLM students will need to be approved by his or her advisor in the Graduate Program. If approved by your advisor then the petition will move onto the faculty member and so on.
- Please note, if you’re submitting a petition for a course at HKS, MIT, or Tufts, you will need to follow up with the Graduate Program for advisor approval outside of the online cross-registration system.
- Deadline: Ongoing until petition filing deadline (see below)
More information: Harvard University course catalog