Post date: May 7, 2002 — 3 p.m.
Harvard Law School recently hosted the 12th annual meeting of the American Law and Economics Association. The conference, which featured 28 panels with speakers presenting papers on different aspects of law and economics, was attended by more than 200 people from around the world. Topics explored in the panel discussions included bankruptcy law, patent law, and dispute resolution mechanisms. Harvard Law School Professor Steven Shavell is the president of the association, and panelists included Harvard Law School Professors Lucian Bebchuk, Einer Elhauge, Howell Jackson, Christine Jolls, and Kip Viscusi. Also presenting papers were a number of Harvard Law School students including third-year students Barak Richman and James Prescott, and S.J.D. candidate Oren Bar-Gill.
The American Law and Economics Association is dedicated to the advancement of economic understanding of law and related areas of public policy and regulation. Founded in 1991, the membership includes academic and practicing lawyers and economists. The Association holds an annual two-day meeting in May at which members present papers dealing with a wide variety of topics concerning the interrelation of law and economics. The Association has published the American Law and Economics Review.
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