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  • You Have an HLS Email Address. Use It!

    November 1, 2022

    Branding is important, even in the hiring process, and when it comes to the legal profession, there is no better brand than Harvard Law School. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to use that to your advantage.

  • Masterclass Recap and Feedback

    October 27, 2022

    We hope those of you who attended our Masterclass event last week found it helpful.

  • Get Back in Touch with your References

    October 21, 2022

    As you settle into the new school year, it’s time to reconnect with the people you will want to list as references during your upcoming summer job search. Take a few minutes over the next few weeks to draft a short email to them, describing your law school experience so far and checking in with them.

  • RSVP for Masterclass Fall Employer Event, TOMORROW at 5 pm

    October 18, 2022

    Why attend OCS’s Masterclass tomorrow? Learn how to network with employers and then practice in a comfortable setting with attorneys from 30+ firms that recruit with HLS. Starting as early as December, you will receive invitations to attend employer receptions.

  • Networking: Your Most Important Tool for a Job Search

    October 18, 2022

    While you will not be applying to private sector positions prior to December 1, you are not prohibited from getting information or speaking with networking connections within law firms or other employers.

  • Meet Attorneys From 33 National Law Firm Employers at OCS Masterclass next Wednesday, October 19.

    October 13, 2022

    OCS’s signature fall event for 1Ls, Masterclass: The Unspoken Rules, on Wednesday, October 19 at 5pm is one of your first opportunities to meet with potential employers. Representatives will be in attendance from 33 national law firms.

  • Register for Masterclass: The Unspoken Rules

    October 11, 2022

    Hear from Gorick Ng, Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author of The Unspoken Rules: Secrets to Starting Your Career Off Right, to get concrete steps for making a favorable impression on employers throughout the recruitment process and on-the-job.

  • Save the Date! Masterclass: The Unspoken Rules – OCS’s Signature Fall Employer Event for 1Ls

    October 5, 2022

    As you enter the legal profession, those you interact with will have certain expectations of you. Yet these expectations are often unspoken, and therefore unknown, and sometimes learned the hard way.

  • “Who Works Where” Lists Now Available

    June 7, 2022

    The summer 2022 “Who Works Where” lists are now available. These lists detail where many of your peers are working this summer.

  • Summer Employment Survey Deadline Tomorrow

    May 26, 2022

    If you have not already, please be sure to complete your Summer Employment Survey in CSM by tomorrow, May 27. We will use this information to publish this year’s edition of the “Who Works Where” lists detailing where rising 2Ls and 3Ls will be employed this summer.

  • Summer Employment Survey

    May 19, 2022

    If you have not already, please be sure to complete your Summer Employment Survey in CSM by Friday, May 27. We will use this information to publish this year’s edition of the “Who Works Where” lists detailing where rising 2Ls and 3Ls will be employed this summer. These lists can be useful to connect with your peers and learn about their experiences at various organizations. The Who Works Where lists are only available to HLS students, but if you prefer to not have your 2022 summer job listed, please email OCS by June 1. Please contact OCS with any questions.

  • Making the Most of EIP Employer Chats

    April 5, 2022

    As exams draw near, your time is more limited and you may be wondering if employer chats are worth your time. Employer chats will be ending next week, so take advantage while you can. The chats are a great way to learn more about EIP employers. Before you know it, you will need to put together a list of firms on which to bid for Preview and EIP.

  • Why Attend Employer Chats?

    March 22, 2022

    Don’t let employer chat fatigue keep you from missing out on great opportunities to meet with EIP employers. These receptions provide a great opportunity to do a bit of EIP research while also making strong connections with employers and attorneys.

  • Why Attend EIP Employer Chats?

    March 3, 2022

    Your time is limited, so you may be wondering why you should spend time attending employer chats. While you can’t (and don’t need to) attend them all, attending some employer chats is a great way to learn more about EIP employers.

  • Employer Event Tips

    February 15, 2022

    In the coming weeks, many firms will host events for 1Ls. As your first step in EIP preparation, use the events to learn more about the firms, their attorneys, and their work- information that can be used later in interviews to discuss your interest in a particular firm.

  • Strategic Networking for EIP

    February 3, 2022

    Students often question the value of networking and attending employer events, but informational interviews and employer events are actually great ways to make meaningful and strategic connections with EIP firms that are of interest to you.

  • Last Chance to RSVP for Masterclass

    January 11, 2022

    Don’t miss the largest EIP employer networking event of the semester! Why should you attend OCS’s Masterclass TOMORROW 1/12? During 1L year you will have many opportunities to interact with attorneys at law firm-sponsored programs.

  • What to Wear to Employer Events

    January 11, 2022

    Wondering what to wear to law firm events, including Masterclass? The dress code for these events can vary by firm, but the default is business casual. What is that? This can mean dress pants or a skirt, a pressed button-down shirt (no tie) or a nice sweater, and nice shoes.

  • What to Expect at Masterclass: Big Law Behind the Scenes

    January 6, 2022

    If you are thinking about participating in EIP this summer, we strongly encourage you to come to Masterclass: Big Law Behind the Scenes. Wondering what to expect? After a brief introduction from OCS on how to approach the event, you will participate in three 20-minute sessions with associates from various law firms.

  • Register for Masterclass and Meet EIP Employers

    January 4, 2022

    Register now for Masterclass: Big Law Behind the Scenes on Wednesday, January 12 at 6:00 p.m. ET. Masterclass is a low-stakes virtual event where you can practice interacting with EIP employers while you learn about practice areas and how to differentiate firms. 

  • Making Your Best Impression at Professional Events

    December 16, 2021

    During your 1L year, employers will host numerous events, including virtual employer chats and in-person reception-style events. Starting next semester, the number of these events will increase substantially.