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Judicial Clerkships

  • Engaging with Faculty Program Video

    October 28, 2021

    In case you missed our live panel discussion last week, you now can watch the “Engaging with Faculty” program video. Professors Andrew Crespo, Richard Lazarus, Anna Lvovsky, and Alexandra Natapoff provided insights about how best to cultivate substantive relationships in our current environment.

  • Introduction to Judicial Clerkships

    October 21, 2021

    If you aren’t already familiar with one of the most substantive jobs you can have at the beginning of a career in law, learn about this exciting option and how to develop your candidacy starting in your first year of law school.

  • Choice of Summer Job for Later Clerkship

    September 2, 2021

    Does your choice of a job for next summer have much impact on a later clerkship search? The short answer is no, not enough to make the clerkship angle a deciding factor.