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Job Search Logistics

  • Remember to Update Your Applications by Sending Your Transcripts

    January 19, 2023

    Now that grades have been released, be sure to send your transcripts to any employers you need to update. Many applications, particularly those with law firms, ask for transcripts as part of the application.

  • The 1L Summer Job Search: What Should I Be Doing Now?

    January 18, 2023

    Thinking about your job search for this coming summer and not sure where to start? Consider participating in the Spring Interview Program (SIP) (bidding ends tomorrow at noon). If you haven’t already, review the Who Worked Where lists and reach out to students who had jobs that you think you would like to apply for to hear about their experience and get their advice.

  • Juggling Your 1L Job Options

    January 12, 2023

    The wide variety of options are one of the positive aspects of the 1L summer, but that same variety can cause stress when an employer gives you an offer with a quick deadline.

  • The International Summer Employment Program (ISEP) for 1Ls

    January 10, 2023

    If you are a 1L who is interested in working abroad for a foreign law firm this summer, our International Summer Employment Program  (ISEP) may be the answer.

  • I Haven’t Heard Back from the Firms Where I Applied. What Should I Be Doing Now?

    January 5, 2023

    While you may have sent out some applications for positions in December, it is possible that you haven’t received any responses yet. This isn’t unusual. Firms may still be assessing their needs for 1L summer associates and others may be waiting to see a transcript from your first semester.

  • The 1L Summer Job Search: What Should I Be Doing Now?

    January 3, 2023

    Thinking about your job search for this coming summer? If you haven’t already, review the Who Worked Where lists and reach out to students who had jobs that you think you would like to apply for to hear about their experience and get their advice.

  • Private Sector Resume Review

    January 3, 2023

    If you did not submit your resume for review through the OCS 1L Resume Review Program in the fall, it is not too late to get feedback from an OCS adviser before applying to employers.

  • Stay tuned for details about the Virtual Spring Interview Program!

    December 15, 2022

    OCS and OPIA will be hosting a Virtual Spring Interview Program featuring both private and public sector employers recruiting for summer and postgraduate positions. Bidding will take place in January 12-19, and interviews will be held in early February.

  • 1L Job Fair- Deadline Next Week

    November 29, 2022

    The majority of the 1L class will work in the public sector this summer. Even if you are focused on the private sector, it is important to consider public interest positions as well. On January 26 and 27 the Massachusetts Law School Consortium Government & Public Interest Interview Program will be taking place virtually.

  • December 1 is Not a Deadline for Law Firm Applications

    November 29, 2022

    Remember that December 1 is the first day you can apply to firms according to our recruitment policies, not a deadline by which you need to apply. School and exam preparation should be front and center now, not your job search.

  • Grades Release and Course Evaluations

    November 29, 2022

    Some employers won’t make decisions on applicants until they receive a fall transcript. Remember that students who complete and submit all their course evaluations will receive their fall term grades a week to 10 days earlier than students who do not submit all course evaluations.

  • Finding Law Firms and Contact Information

    November 22, 2022

    The NALP Directory is one of the easiest sources for finding law firms that hire 1Ls. Once in the database, you need only click on two different drop-down menus. Choose a state and then select “Organizations that hire” 1Ls.

  • 1L Applications to Law Firms

    November 22, 2022

    While your academics should be your primary focus now, you may be planning to send some applications out soon. Once you have identified firms to which to apply, check the firm’s website to see how they direct candidates to apply.

  • 1L Job Search Resources

    November 22, 2022

    Even if you attended a 1L group advising session with OCS and have been reading our Hire Ground emails, you may not always recall where certain resources are. Remember, your first stop should be the 1L Career Advising page.

  • Applying for 1L Diversity Positions at Law Firms

    November 17, 2022

    Some law firms award diversity scholarships/fellowships to 1L students who have a diverse background.

  • Email Etiquette for the Job Hunter

    November 17, 2022

    Before you begin sending out your applications for this summer’s job opportunities or for networking inquiries, review these tips on professional email etiquette. Keep email short and on-point. Most lawyers get hundreds of emails each day.

  • 1L Job Fair

    November 15, 2022

    The majority of the 1L class will work in the public sector this summer. Even if you are focused on the private sector, it is important to consider public interest positions as well.

  • 1L Job Search Podcasts

    November 3, 2022

    While most 1L students work in the public sector during their 1L summer, you may be considering private sector options for the summer as well. Our 1L Private Sector Job Search Podcasts walk you through the job search for some of your private sector options- in-house legal departments, law firms, and judicial internships.

  • Reminder- OCS 1L Resume Review Program

    October 25, 2022

    Take advantage of the OCS 1L Resume Review Program by submitting your resume for feedback from an OCS adviser before applying to employers. Now is the time to get your resume into the proper format for legal employers and get it reviewed to ensure it is ready to go when it is time to apply starting in December.

  • Get Back in Touch with your References

    October 21, 2022

    As you settle into the new school year, it’s time to reconnect with the people you will want to list as references during your upcoming summer job search. Take a few minutes over the next few weeks to draft a short email to them, describing your law school experience so far and checking in with them.

  • OCS 1L Resume Review Program- Happening Now

    October 21, 2022

    The OCS 1L Resume Review Program is your chance to submit your resume for feedback from an OCS adviser before applying to employers.