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  • Update your EIP Interview Tracker

    August 4, 2022

    Make sure to continue to update your EIP Interview Tracker. Your responses are crucial as we crowdsource information for your classmates. Our callback list – which allows you and your classmates to track your progress – is only as good as the information we receive.

  • EIP Day Three: Keep Your Eyes on the Road Ahead of You

    August 3, 2022

    With two days left of EIP week, now is not the time to be looking in the rearview mirror by dwelling on perceived mistakes or lack of success. Each interview is a fresh chance to impress.

  • Feeling Concerned? Consider Adding Interviews

    August 3, 2022

    If you are feeling concerned that you have not received as many callbacks as you had hoped, consider adding additional interviews to your schedule. While it is not advisable to simply add a bunch of interviews to your schedule, strategically adding an interview or two can increase your odds of success at EIP.

  • How Many Callbacks Should You Take?

    August 3, 2022

    As EIP week progresses, you are probably starting to think about how you should be handling callbacks. If you have received multiple callbacks already, you may be wondering if you should accept all of them or if you should narrow it down in some way.

  • Can I cancel an EIP screener? No.

    August 3, 2022

    You cannot cancel your EIP interviews at this stage. While you may be excited about callback invitations or you may be rethinking your choice to interview with a certain firm or market, you cannot cancel your interview through OCS or through the firm at this stage.

  • Remember to Respond Promptly to Callback Invitations

    August 3, 2022

    Remember to acknowledge all callback invitations promptly (within one business day at most), even if you are unsure you want to accept the callback. You should not wait to schedule if you are certain you will attend the callback.

  • Update your EIP Interview Tracker

    August 3, 2022

    Make sure to continue to update your EIP Interview Tracker. Your responses are crucial as we crowdsource information for your classmates. Our callback list – which allows you and your classmates to track your progress – is only as good as the information we receive.

  • EIP Day Two: Don’t Rely on Your Memory

    August 2, 2022

    After two days of EIP interviewing, you might be feeling as though all of your interviews are starting to blend together.

  • Requests for Additional Documents from Firms

    August 2, 2022

    As part of an email notifying you of a callback, some firms may request additional documents, including a cover letter or ask you to fill out an online application. If you are asked to send a cover letter, simply include a short note in which you thank them for the invitation, reiterate your interest in the firm, and say, “Enclosed, please find…” and note the documents you have included.

  • Responding to Callback Invitations

    August 2, 2022

    All callback invitations should be acknowledged promptly (within one business day at most), even if you are unsure you want to accept the callback. If you know you want to accept a callback invitation, do so promptly.

  • Scheduling Callbacks

    August 2, 2022

    Once you are invited for a callback, you will have some decisions to make in order to schedule. The first is when to conduct the interview. When scheduling callbacks, it is generally preferable to choose times and dates earlier in the callback period if possible, but do not feel the need to schedule callbacks during EIP Week.

  • I have not yet received any callbacks. Should I be concerned?

    August 2, 2022

    If you haven’t received any callbacks yet, don’t panic. Remember, different markets work on different timelines. Also, the manner in which firms make callback decisions impacts the time frame for receiving callback invitations.

  • Treat Every Interview as if it Were Your First

    August 2, 2022

    Now that you have a couple of days of EIP under your belt, you are no doubt feeling the effects. Although you may be feeling quite fatigued, remember, every interviewer is meeting you for the first time.

  • Update your EIP Interview Tracker

    August 2, 2022

    Make sure to update your EIP Interview Tracker tonight. Your responses will enable us to monitor your progress and provide you with tailored advising.

  • EIP Day One: Time for an Interview Check-up

    August 1, 2022

    Your first day of EIP is now behind you! Take a moment to do an honest assessment of your performance and ask yourself: Did I connect with my interviewers? Did my EIP conversations flow freely? Am I feeling nervous during interviews?

  • Thank You Notes

    August 1, 2022

    You do not need to send thank you notes after EIP screening interviews. If you had a particularly strong connection with your interviewer or otherwise feel strongly that you would like to send a thank you note, remember it must be error free.

  • Callback Invitations — When You Can Expect to Hear and What to do When You DO Hear

    August 1, 2022

    With your first day of EIP behind you, you're likely wondering when you will hear back from firms. Some firms will give out callback invitations within a day or two after EIP interviews, while other firms can take longer.

  • Virtual Interviews- Prepare for Glitches and the Unexpected

    July 31, 2022

    Anticipating issues and knowing what to do when they arise will ensure you are prepared during EIP Week. If you haven’t already, bookmark the EIP Week page at where we highlight how to handle various technology or other issues like your interviewer running late. These types of things should not be cause for stress or concern.

  • The Daily Add

    July 31, 2022

    If you are considering adding additional interviews to your schedule take advantage of the Daily Add, open tomorrow through Thursday from 8-10 a.m. ET. The Daily Add allows you to add EIP Interviews to your schedule for the following day. Visit the EIP Week page to learn more about the Daily Add process and view possible openings.

  • Double Check Your Interview Times

    July 31, 2022

    During EIP week we occasionally need to change a student’s interview time to accommodate an employer request. Although changes are rare, you should take a few minutes every evening to review your EIP schedule for the following day.

  • What to Do if You Don’t Get an Interview You Wanted

    July 28, 2022

    If you didn’t get an interview you really wanted through the lottery and are not able to add it during the Add Period, you may be wondering what to do. You still have a few options for trying to meet with firms of interest.