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  • EIP Week- Expect the Unexpected

    July 27, 2023

    Virtual interviewing has many upsides. You can control your environment, have notes on-screen for quick reference, and not rush from one place to the next…

  • What to Do if You Don’t Get an Interview You Wanted

    July 25, 2023

    If you didn’t get an interview you really wanted through the lottery, as a start, continue to check on available adds throughout the Add

  • The Importance of the Interview

    July 20, 2023

    As you approach EIP, a callback, or any other interview, many things are out of your control. Your grades and previous experience are what they…

  • Psychometric Assessments

    July 20, 2023

    More employers, including law firms, are using psychometric assessments as part of their hiring process. Psychometric assessments use a series of questions, games and scenarios…

  • The 2 Keys to EIP Success

    July 13, 2023

    There are two things that have the biggest impact on EIP success: a well-balanced bid list and a strong interview. With all the attention right…

  • Callbacks and In-Person Interviews

    June 29, 2023

    Whether through Preview or following EIP Week (which is entirely virtual), you may be invited to conduct a callback interview in-person. If you have a…

  • Preview Interview Scheduling

    June 22, 2023

    Reminder: employers have been asked to schedule interviews around your work schedules. If you are asked to interview during times you have work commitments, you…

  • Preview Interview Invitations

    June 16, 2023

    Now that Preview bidding is complete, ensure you are ready to schedule and manage Preview interviews. It is critical to respond promptly to emails…

  • Your Interview Narrative

    April 13, 2023

    The key to a successful interview is preparation. Being prepared is not just knowing about the employer, but being able to show the employer why you are a strong fit for the position.

  • EIP and Smaller Markets

    April 6, 2023

    If you are planning on focusing your 2L summer job search on a smaller market, you may be wondering about Preview and EIP. While many firms from smaller markets do participate, there are still a large number of smaller firms and firms from smaller markets which do not come to EIP.

  • Why Do an EIP Mock Interview Now?

    April 4, 2023

    Preview and EIP seem a long way off, so you may be wondering why you should sign up for an EIP mock interview now. Interviewing is a key component of EIP, but doing it well requires preparation and practice.

  • EIP Mock Interviews

    March 28, 2023

    Interviewing is a key element of EIP and Preview, but doing it well requires preparation and practice. Before you get too busy studying for final exams and then begin your summer job, participate in the EIP Mock Interview Program.

  • EIP Mock Interview Program

    March 21, 2023

    Reminder to sign up for the EIP Mock Interview Program if you haven’t already. The program will give you a chance to see what to expect during interviews, practice your interview skills, and get advice on what to work on ahead of Preview and EIP. Review Leg 5 of the EIP Roadmap for more on how to prepare for interviews.

  • EIP Mock Interview Program Begins Next Week

    March 15, 2023

    Interviewing is a key component of EIP and Preview, but doing it well requires preparation and practice. Before you get too busy studying for final exams and then begin your summer job, participate in the EIP Mock Interview Program.

  • What to Do if You Didn’t Get a SIP Interview You Wanted

    January 31, 2023

    Wondering what to do if you didn’t get an interview with an SIP employer in which you were interested? Rest assured that all employers on whom you bid will receive the materials you submitted with your bid. In other words, you have applied to the employer by bidding on that employer.

  • OCS Offers Mock Interviews

    January 12, 2023

    One of the many services offered by OCS is the opportunity to do private sector mock interviews with an OCS adviser. Schedule an appointment with an adviser and select “Mock Interview” as the service.

  • Reminder: Summer Job Interviews During January Experiential Term

    January 10, 2023

    Please remember that interviews for 1L summer positions should not be scheduled during any classes during J-term. Missing 1 of these classes is the equivalent of missing an exam in a fully graded course.

  • Resources to Help You with Your Interviews

    January 3, 2023

    Whether you already have some interviews lined up, or hope to have some shortly, make sure you are prepared. Start by listening to the Acing 1L Interviews podcast. Then review the many resources on interviewing available to you on the OCS website, including information on what to wear, possible interview questions and questions you can ask employers.

  • Scheduling Summer Job Interviews During January Experiential Term

    December 21, 2022

    Please remember that interviews for 1L summer positions should not be scheduled during any classes during the January Experiential Term. Missing 1 of these classes is the equivalent of missing an exam in a fully graded course.

  • Stay tuned for details about the Virtual Spring Interview Program!

    December 15, 2022

    OCS and OPIA will be hosting a Virtual Spring Interview Program featuring both private and public sector employers recruiting for summer and postgraduate positions. Bidding will take place in January 12-19, and interviews will be held in early February.

  • Preparing for the 1L Virtual Mock Interview Program

    November 10, 2022

    The 1L Virtual Mock Interview Program is a low-pressure event that gives you the chance to work out any interviewing kinks before your real interviews in the coming months.