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  • Why Should I Attend the EIP Orientation & Market Mixer on February 8?

    January 31, 2023

    EIP Orientation & Market Mixer is coming up on Wednesday, February 8 at 5:45pm. EIP Orientation runs from 5:45-6:30pm and the networking reception is from 6:30-8 pm. This program will provide you with the opportunity learn about EIP and meet a number of attorneys from many law firms that participate in EIP.

  • RSVP Now for EIP Orientation and Market Mixer on Wednesday, February 8 @ 5:45pm

    January 26, 2023

    Are you considering participating in the Early Interview Program (EIP) this summer? The first step is to attend our kickoff event, EIP Orientation and Market Mixer on Wednesday, February 8 at 5:45pm. We will start with EIP Orientation, where you will learn more about EIP and EIP Preview.

  • Save the Date for EIP Orientation and Market Mixer- February 8

    January 18, 2023

    Are you considering participating in the Early Interview Program (EIP) this summer? The first step is to attend our kickoff event, EIP Orientation and Market Mixer on Wednesday, February 8 at 5:45 pm. This program is the first step if you plan to participate in EIP and will outline what is ahead and how to prepare.

  • EIP 2023 Dates Announced

    January 5, 2023

    As you continue your 1L summer job search and begin mapping out your career goals, we encourage you to consider the Early Interview Program (EIP). As noted in our message to all 1Ls earlier this week 2023 EIP will take place from Tuesday, August 1 to Friday, August 4 and will be conducted virtually.

  • We want your opinion!

    October 11, 2022

    Your opinion matters to OCS! Please join us for a Preview/EIP focus group to let us know about your experience. In exchange for one hour of your time, we’ll give you afternoon coffee and snacks and the satisfaction of impacting next year’s recruiting. Get your friends to sign up too. Register for a Preview/EIP Focus Group. 

  • We want your opinion!

    October 5, 2022

    Your opinion matters to OCS! Please join us for a Preview/EIP focus group to let us know about your experience. In exchange for one hour of your time, we’ll give you afternoon coffee and snacks and the satisfaction of impacting next year’s recruiting. Get your friends to sign up too. Please register here.

  • Using CSM – The OCS Career Database

    September 29, 2022

    CSM is OCS’ online recruiting tool. In CSM, you can view and RSVP for OCS events and employer chats or receptions, search for and find job postings, and find many additional resources for your job search.

  • No offers from EIP?

    September 7, 2022

    If you have not yet secured an offer from EIP, we encourage you to reach out to OCS. Perhaps you will receive an offer soon from a firm with which you did callback interviews, but the process moves quickly, so now is the time to take action on a backup plan just in case. Either schedule an appointment with an OCS adviser or take advantage of our drop-in advising.

  • Reminder: Close the Loop With EIP Employers

    August 25, 2022

    If you participated in Preview or EIP and were fortunate enough to receive multiple offers, take stock of whether you have tied up all loose ends from the process.

  • Offer Dinners

    August 23, 2022

    Many firms hold offer dinners or other events for students who have received offers from the firm. You may be wondering if you should attend and what kinds of questions you should ask. Visit our Offer Dinners page to learn more.

  • Deciding Among or Between Offers: Focus on the Important Factors

    August 23, 2022

    Some firms go “all out” when attempting to convince a candidate to accept their offer of summer employment. Other firms take a more subtle approach.

  • Resume Book Program

    August 23, 2022

    If you are still awaiting offers from EIP or are otherwise not pleased with your options following EIP, consider entering bids for the Resume Book Program. The Resume Book Program is an easy way to get your resume and transcript in front of firms of interest. The deadline is this Friday at noon.

  • What is a ‘Second Look’ and is it Necessary?

    August 18, 2022

    Some firms may offer or suggest a “second look” or post-offer visit. This may be a second visit to the office after an in-person callback or visiting the office for the first-time following virtual interviews.

  • Choice of Summer Job for Later Clerkship

    August 18, 2022

    Does your choice of a job for next summer have much impact on a later clerkship search? The short answer is no, not enough to make the clerkship angle a deciding factor.

  • Summer Employment Evaluations

    August 18, 2022

    Each year many students consult the employment evaluations submitted by their peers to differentiate firms, prepare for interviews and make decisions on offers.

  • Preview Offer Deadlines

    August 16, 2022

    If you have an offer from Preview and asked for an extension until August 19 in order to participate in EIP, with that deadline fast approaching you may find yourself wanting more time to finalize your decision.

  • Timing Guidelines and Responding to Offers

    August 16, 2022

    As you begin to hear back from employers after your callback interviews, we want to remind you about the timing guidelines for responding to offers. Employers participating in HLS organized recruitment programs agree to comply with our employer recruiting policies regarding these timing guidelines, and it is important that you understand the guidelines.

  • Focus on the Options You Have, Not on What You’re Missing

    August 11, 2022

    After a long week of interviews, preparation, and high hopes, you may ultimately feel disappointed in your EIP results, even if you do have some great callback options. Take charge of the process in front of you – start ramping up your research, knowledge and enthusiasm for the firms with whom you’ll be interviewing.

  • No Callbacks? Check In With OCS

    August 11, 2022

    If you have not received callback interview invitations from EIP at this stage, we encourage you to check in with OCS. We have extended drop-ins available this week and appointments available as well. This process moves quickly, so we encourage you to check in early and often as your job search continues.

  • Evaluating Law Firms

    August 11, 2022

    With EIP behind you, it’s time to get serious about evaluating the firms where you are attending callbacks. Before you get too far into the process, review the OCS webpage on Evaluating Firms for Your Own Success.

  • The 3L Job Search Beyond EIP

    August 11, 2022

    It was good to see some of you last week during EIP, and we hope you had a good week. If you have not already, follow up with EIP employers with whom you met but have not yet heard back and reiterate your interest in the firm. There is more to the 3L job search than EIP, however.