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Career Research and Resources

  • Thinking About Practice Areas

    March 30, 2023

    With summer approaching, you may still be uncertain which practice area may be right for you. The OCS Practice Area Podcast Series provides insight into specific practice areas from leading practitioners in their field.

  • Last Chance- Researching Firms for EIP Workshop

    March 28, 2023

    Have you thought about what you are looking for in a firm? Do all the firms look similar to you at this point? This Thursday, March 30 our OCS 3L Peer Advisers will host one last workshop to help you differentiate firms and walk you through how to use the many available resources.

  • Key Resources for Researching Diversity, Pro Bono, and Other Factors

    March 28, 2023

    As part of your firm selection, you may be interested in more than market and practice area in narrowing down your list. You may want to consider a firm’s commitment to diversity in hiring and retention, part- and flex-time policies, parental leave policies, or the firm’s commitment to pro bono.

  • EIP Roadmap Leg 4- Research

    March 23, 2023

    The EIP Roadmap is your one-stop page for all things EIP. If you haven’t already, decided if Preview and EIP are right for you and, if so, be sure to register for EIP. You can also wrap up Leg 3 by getting your application materials in order before exam preparation gets into full swing and submit your resume for review.

  • 10 Things You Should Know About Big Law

    March 23, 2023

    You have likely heard a lot of things about Big Law and may have a general sense of what to expect this summer and beyond. But, you may also be feeling like all the firms look the same and are not quite sure how to differentiate them. Listen to our new podcast, 10 Things You Should Know About Big Law to learn some of the things that are important to know about Big Law, but you may not know yet.

  • 10 Things You Should Know About Big Law

    March 23, 2023

    You have likely heard a lot of things about Big Law and may have a general sense of what to expect this summer and beyond. But, before you head into your summer, listen to our new podcast, 10 Things You Should Know About Big Law to learn some of the things that are important to know about Big Law, but you may not know yet.

  • 10 Things You Should Know About Big Law

    March 23, 2023

    You have likely heard a lot of things about Big Law and may have a general sense of what to expect after your summer associate experience. But, before you head into your first post-grad job, listen to our new podcast, 10 Things You Should Know About Big Law to learn some of the things that are important to know about Big Law, but you may not know yet.

  • Beyond Big Law Podcast Series

    March 21, 2023

    Wondering what you can do in the private sector beyond Big Law? The Beyond Big Law Podcast Series provides students an opportunity to learn about careers in the private sector that are outside of typical big law firm practice. Many HLS Alumni have pursued such careers, either immediately or after practicing at a large law firm or in another traditional legal setting for some period of time.

  • Vault/Firsthand’s Practice Area Pages

    March 7, 2023

    One of the things students find the most challenging is determining which practice areas they would like to explore. While employers won’t expect you to have your mind made up about which practice area you want to pursue by this summer, they will expect you to be able to discuss your interests and demonstrate you’ve been thinking about what you’d like to do at a firm.

  • Researching Firms

    February 23, 2023

    Have you thought about what you are looking for in a firm? Do all the firms look similar to you at this point? Over the course of the next few weeks, our OCS 3L Peer Advisers will be hosting workshops to help you think about what you are looking for in a firm, and walk you through how to use the many available resources to learn more about firms and how to differentiate them.

  • Why Attend Employer Events?

    February 23, 2023

    Your time is limited, so you may be wondering why you should spend time attending employer events. While you can’t (and don’t need to) attend them all, attending some events is a great way to learn more about EIP employers.

  • Leveraging the HLS Alumni Network

    February 16, 2023

    Speaking with someone who has a career you might want to emulate is a great way to think about the big picture while also getting advice. Amicus Student-Alumni Connect provides an easy way for you to connect with HLS alumni.

  • EIP Orientation and Market Mixer is Tomorrow

    February 7, 2023

    Tomorrow’s EIP Orientation & Market Mixer is an opportunity for you to learn about this summer’s Early Interview Program (EIP) and how best to prepare, as well as meet lawyers from six major legal markets — Boston, Chicago, New York, California, Texas and DC.

  • Strategic Networking for EIP

    January 31, 2023

    Students don’t always appreciate the value of networking and attending employer events, but informational interviews and employer events are great ways to make meaningful and strategic connections with EIP firms that are of interest to you. Our podcast, Strategic Networking for EIP explains why networking before EIP gives you such an advantage and provides a list of things you can do to network in advance of EIP.

  • Intro to Big Law Learning Tracks

    January 26, 2023

    Wondering how to learn what Big Law practice is all about as you consider participation in EIP? We’ve partnered with Hotshot (a digital learning provider for the legal industry) to create 3 self-directed learning tracks to give you a taste of Big Law practice: Intro to Big Law, Intro to Legal Practice: Litigation, and Intro to Legal Practice: Corporate.

  • Why Go to Employer Events?

    January 23, 2023

    Most of you are in the early stages of your 1L summer job search, so it may feel early to start thinking about your 2L summer job and where you would like to be after graduation. Employer events over the next few months can be a great place to get started thinking about your longer-term goals.

  • Law Firm Events Begin Next Week

    January 12, 2023

    Starting next week, many firms will host receptions and other events for 1Ls. Think of these events as your first step in EIP preparation and research.

  • Practice Area Podcasts

    January 12, 2023

    As you look ahead to your summer job, you may be asked about your practice area interests.

  • Practice Area Podcasts

    January 12, 2023

    If you haven't already explored it, our Practice Area Podcast Series can be a great resource for learning more about practice areas in the private sector.

  • Practice Area Podcasts

    January 10, 2023

    One question you will soon be getting asked is, “What practice areas are you interested in?” Our Practice Area Podcast Series can be a great resource for identifying practice areas of interest to you.

  • Law Firm Events

    January 5, 2023

    Starting in a couple weeks, many firms will host receptions and other events for 1Ls. Events may include coffee chats, attorney office hours, local receptions, and virtual chats. Think of these events as your first step in EIP preparation and research.