International Human Rights Clinic
Via International Human Rights Clinic Dear Colleagues and Friends, After ten years as Academic Director at the Human Rights Program, and many years before…
Extinguishing the Use of Incendiary Weapons
January 11, 2016
By Sarah Abraham, J.D. ’17; Lauren Blodgett J.D. ’16;
and Danae Paterson J.D. ‘16 Incendiary weapons rank among the cruelest means of armed conflict. -
Fighting for disarmament
January 4, 2016
Via Harvard Gazette Researcher calls for stronger regulation of incendiary weapons, ban on killer robots Jon Chase/Harvard Staff Photographer
Bonnie Docherty, a senior instructor… -
Via International Human Rights Clinic
By Bonnie Docherty This post, “Unrivaled Cruelty: The Horror of Incendiary Weapons and the Need for Stronger Law,”… -
Joint Clinic Report: Company’s Remedies for Rape in Papua New Guinea Deeply Flawed
November 20, 2015
Via International Human Rights Clinic Geneva & New York, November 19, 2015—A controversial process created by one of the world’s largest gold mining companies…
Pivotal Elections in Myanmar
November 12, 2015
Via International Human Rights Clinic By Roni Druks, J.D. ’17, and Sharon Yuen, LL.M. ’16 Today, Myanmar held its first contested general election in…
Clinic and HRW Urge Strengthening of International Law Governing Incendiary Weapons
November 6, 2015
Via International Human Rights Clinic (Washington, DC, November 5, 2015) – Countries should take concrete steps to strengthen international law governing incendiary weapons, Human…
The World’s Role in Burma’s Peace Process
November 5, 2015
By Roi Bachmutsky, J.D. ’17, student in the International Human Rights Clinic There is a joke in Burma* that George Orwell unintentionally wrote a trilogy about…
Clinic Submits Report In Support Of Hearing On Rights Of People Affected By The CIA Rendition And Torture Program
November 4, 2015
Via International Human Rights Clinic Last week, the International Human Rights Clinic submitted a report in support of an Inter-American Commission on Human Rights thematic hearing…
A Profile of Two Students
October 28, 2015
Via HLS Advocates for Human Rights Danae Paterson, J.D. ‘16, and Brian Klosterboer, J.D. ‘16, met one another at the start of their 1L year…
Myanmar: New report finds police used excessive force during crackdown on protesters in Letpadan
October 15, 2015
Via HLS News Myanmar police officers used excessive force during a crackdown on protesters and arrested more than 100 individuals in Letpadan, Bago Region…
Undermining Injustice, One Prison Visit at a Time
September 23, 2015
Via HLS News Fernando Delgado ’08 and his students in the International Human Rights Clinic put prisoners’ voices in Brazil at the heart of…
Harvard Law School alumna, Philippa Greer HLS LL.M. ’14 has been appointed to clerk for South Africa’s top judicial body, the Constitutional Court, for the…
New Joint Report on Civilian Harm from Explosive Weapons
June 26, 2015
Via International Human Rights Clinic (Geneva, June 19, 2015) – Extensive civilian casualties caused by the use of explosive weapons in towns and cities…
Via International Human Rights Clinic The International Human Rights Clinic and Privacy International released a publication today that examines the vital role…
Via International Human Rights Clinic Yesterday, the Clinic and our partners filed a reply brief in In re…
Susan Farbstein appointed Clinical Professor
May 20, 2015
Assistant Clinical Professor
Susan H. Farbstein ’04 Via HLS News Susan Farbstein ’04 has been appointed Clinical Professor of Law… -
Via the International Human Rights Clinic The laws governing armed conflict may seem simple on the surface. Soldiers can be targeted; civilians cannot. But…
New Publication Examines Different Approaches to Assisting Victims of Armed Conflict and Armed Violence”
May 11, 2015
Via the International Human Rights Clinic (Cambridge, MA, April 30, 2015) – Mitigating the human costs of armed conflict and armed violence has become…
Harvard Law champions entrepreneurship and innovation
April 15, 2015
A native of California who came to HLS with an interest in startups and business, Shant Hagopian ’15 gave legal advice to entrepreneurs as…
Australian Radio Interviews Tyler Giannini on Mining Company Settlement with Rape Survivors
April 15, 2015
Via the International Human Rights Clinic Earlier this week, Australian radio interviewed Tyler Giannini about a significant development in the…