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  • Meet the Judge: Hon. Rodolfo A. Ruiz II, Southern District of Florida

    February 22, 2022

    Hear firsthand from the Honorable Rodolfo A. Ruiz II of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida about his background and work. Among other interesting facts, prior to judicial service, Judge Ruiz served as an Assistant County Attorney for the Miami-Dade County's Attorney's office. 

  • Meet the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Clerks

    February 2, 2022

    Hear from Michael Fridkin (HLS ’85) and Boanne Wassink (HLS ’20) about the unique advantages of working with multiple judges through the Seventh Circuit Staff Attorneys’ Office.

  • Engaging with Faculty (featuring Professors Crespo, Lazarus, Lvovsky, and Natapoff)

    October 25, 2021

    Engaging with HLS faculty makes for a more educational and enjoyable law school experience. More concretely, faculty recommendation letters are required in applications for certain types of jobs, including judicial clerkships.  Get insights from a panel of professors about how best to cultivate substantive relationships with them in our current environment.

  • Preview of Clerkship Interviews

    April 19, 2021

    Hear from HLS clerkship advisors and a panel of 3Ls about how to successfully prepare for and navigate potential clerkship interviews. Some discussion will focus on the hiring plan date this summer for current 2Ls, but other students and alumni also will find the basic principles relevant.

  • Meet the Judge: Hon. Thomas Kirsch ‘99, Seventh Circuit

    April 7, 2021

    Among other interesting facts, Judge Kirsch worked as an AUSA, Counsel to the United States Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Policy, partner at Winston & Strawn focusing on complex litigation and corporate investigations, and United States Attorney for the Northern District of Indiana.

  • Meet the Justice: Hon. John Couriel ’03, Florida Supreme Court

    March 8, 2021

    Hear firsthand from a member of the judiciary about his background and work. Among other interesting facts, Justice Couriel '03 is a Florida native who has worked as an Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida. His parents emigrated from Cuba in the 1960s, his father as one of approximately 14,000 unaccompanied minors welcomed to the United States as part of Operation Pedro Pan.

  • Adventure Clerkship Series: Emma Goold ’19 (Arkansas)

    November 11, 2020

    A judicial clerkship can provide a unique opportunity to live and work somewhere new for a limited time, without long-term commitment.

  • Adventure Clerkship Series: Nick Aquart ’19 (Oklahoma and Kentucky)

    November 10, 2020

    A judicial clerkship can provide a unique opportunity to live and work somewhere new for a limited time, without long-term commitment.

  • Adventure Clerkship Series: Steve Salcedo ’16 (Ohio)

    November 4, 2020

    A judicial clerkship can provide a unique opportunity to live and work somewhere new for a limited time, without long-term commitment. In this series of interviews, hear from HLS alums who experienced the personal and professional growth of such an opportunity.

  • Adventure Clerkship Series: Brianna Beswick ’16 (Alaska)

    November 3, 2020

    A judicial clerkship can provide a unique opportunity to live and work somewhere new for a limited time, without long-term commitment. In this series of interviews, hear from HLS alums who experienced the personal and professional growth of such an opportunity.

  • Engaging with Faculty (featuring Professors Davies, Suk Gersen, and Klarman)

    October 6, 2020

    Engaging with HLS faculty makes for a more educational and enjoyable law school experience. More concretely, the strength of faculty recommendation letters can make or break applications for certain types of jobs, including judicial clerkships. Get insights from a panel of professors about how best to cultivate substantive relationships with faculty.

  • Tips for Clerkship Interviews

    April 17, 2020

    Hear from HLS clerkship advisors and a panel of 3Ls about how to successfully prepare for and navigate potential clerkship interviews. Some discussion will focus on the hiring plan date this summer for current 2Ls, but 3Ls, alumni, and 1Ls also will find the basic principles relevant.

  • Judicial Clerks Panel

    November 20, 2019

    Why would you want to clerk? What do clerks actually do? How does the job vary by type of court and judge? Why and how should you research judges in advance? What does the application process look like from the inside? How can you make the most of a clerkship once you have one? Hear the answers to these questions and more from recent clerks. For 1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls, and LLMs at any stage of thinking about clerkships.

  • Adventure Clerkships

    September 23, 2019

    A judicial clerkship can provide a unique opportunity to work and live somewhere new for a limited time, without long-term commitment. Using the Alaska Supreme Court as a prime example, listen to folks who experienced the personal and professional growth of such an opportunity.

  • Tips for Clerkship Interviews

    April 3, 2019

    Hear from HLS clerkship advisors and a panel of 3Ls about how to successfully prepare for and navigate potential clerkship interviews. Some discussion will focus on the hiring plan date this summer for current 2Ls, but 3Ls will find the basic principles also relevant.

  • Lure of Chambers: Panel of Judicial Clerks

    October 19, 2017

    Why would you want to clerk? What do clerks actually do? How does the job vary by type of court and judge? What does the application process look like from the inside? How can you make the most of a clerkship once you have one? Learn the answers to these questions and more from recent clerks. (For 1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls, and LLMs at any stage of thinking about clerkships.)

  • Perspectives from the Judiciary

    April 10, 2017

    Hear a distinguished panel of judges discuss reflections on the job itself, paths to becoming a judge, and benefits of clerkships, all with a unique…

  • Engaging with Faculty (featuring Professors Crespo, Fallon, and Stilt) 

    October 24, 2016

    Engaging with HLS faculty makes for a more educational and enjoyable law school experience. More concretely, the strength of faculty recommendation letters can make or…