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Programming Policies for Student Organizations and Journals

I. Subject Matter Guildelines

Events with employers should not address “how-tos” regarding On-Campus Recruiting, Interviewing, and Networking Skills. This restriction does not apply to student-only events (e.g., events where 2Ls/3Ls give advice to 1Ls with no employer, firm, or outside involvement).

We encourage events related to:

  • Practice Areas
  • Practice Settings
  • Practice Trends/Current Events
  • Diversity Issues in the Legal Profession
  • The Judiciary / Judicial Clerkships

II. Notify OPIA and OCS

When planning career related events involving employers or outside speakers, you must notify OCS and/or OPIA at least ten (10) business days prior to the event. For OPIA, please contact For OCS, please email or your group’s assigned OCS liaison.

III. Use Best Efforts to Avoid Duplication and Conflicts

We strongly urge student groups to check the Calendar@Law in order to avoid duplication of events and conflicts. You should use your best efforts to work collaboratively with OCS, OPIA, and other student groups for joint events.

IV. OCS and OPIA Publicity and Co-sponsorship

OPIA and OCS do not provide funding for events organized by student groups.

Upon request, OPIA will advertise events organized by student groups in the weekly OPIA email sent out each Sunday during the academic year. OCS will advertise events organized by student groups in the weekly Hire Ground blog posts that are posted each Thursday. Information about an event must be provided to OPIA and/or OCS ten business days prior to the date of the event, with the following information: (a) title of the event, (b) link to Harvard events calendar, (c) date, time and location of event, and (d) one sentence summary of event. Note that neither OCS nor OPIA will advertise any events that conflict with the timing of an OCS or OPIA event.