Submit this request in EMS when you reserve space.
- Submit a brief blurb for your event. Include any speaker names/titles and what food, if any, will be available.
- It is important to get on the public calendar ASAP so other groups are aware of your event.
Google Calendar
Student Organizations and Journals have a shared Google Calendar to document dates and times for events, conferences, and meetings. This calendar is meant to help organizations avoid significant overlap for events and conferences. Email Allison Patenaude to get access to the calendar.
Bulletin & Chalkboard Policy
All users of bulletin & chalkboards are expected to respect the materials posted by other individuals and organizations. Removing, posting, or writing over and erasing other active postings is not permitted, and could subject a student to disciplinary action.
Bulletin & Chalkboard spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Posting content that is deemed defamatory or inappropriate by the Office of Community Engagement, Equity, and Belonging may be removed and the organization responsible may be subject to dissolution procedures or other disciplinary action. Improper content includes but is not limited to: drug or alcohol paraphernalia, slanderous remarks that do not contribute to or facilitate open and welcoming events geared toward community-building and substantive, constructive dialogue. In accordance to MA state law, student organizations cannot advertise an “open bar,” “happy hour,” or pictures/drawings of alcoholic beverages on advertisements.
The Office of Community Engagement, Equity, and Belonging reserves the right to remove any posted item.
Bulletin Boards
Organizations and Journals can print 8.5″ x 11″ or 11” x 17” posters and hang them up on the approved bulletin boards. Please keep the following policies in mind:
- Approved postings include those from officially recognized student organizations, journals and University departments and administrators for programs benefiting the Harvard Law School community. Materials posted by any unofficial or external groups, corporations, organizations or individuals will be immediately removed.
- A poster is defined as a flyer, notice or other material that is intended to disseminate information to the HLS community.
- All postings must identify the event, the event sponsor, the time and date of the event and provide a point of contact.
- Postings are only permitted on the provided bulletin board space – all others will be removed. Materials may not be posted on doors, walls, glass, wood, tile, metal, or painted surfaces. In addition, items may not be posted in the bathroom stall sign holders, which are reserved for and maintained by the CEEB Office. Materials may not be distributed door-to-door or by placing literature on parked vehicles.
- Only thumbtacks are permitted – do not staple, tape, or otherwise adhere/affix notices.
- The removal schedule is posted on or near each bulletin board. This takes place on the first and third Sunday morning of each month.
- CEEB will print up to 20 posters for free. Email an 8.5″ x 11″ or 11” x 17” PDF to
- The HLS Copy Center can print professional posters for important events. Email for pricing.
Classrooms in Austin, Hauser, Pound, and WCC (first two floors) can be chalked with a short blurb on your event that includes: the speaker(s), their titles, the time and location of the event, and the food that will be served.
- Chalkboards are exclusively reserved for use by HLS officially recognized student organizations and journals. Chalking posted by any unofficial or external groups, corporations, organizations or individuals will be erased.
- If the classroom is equipped with a side chalkboard, student messages chalked on them are left up until the following Sunday morning. The WCC and Hauser auditoriums have small designated side chalkboards for these purposes. In the Austin first floor classrooms, Griswold 110, Langdell North and South, and Pound Hall first floor classrooms, the far sides of the chalkboards (these rooms have three chalkboards that abut each other) will be treated as designated space for chalking. This includes approximately the last third of space on the end chalkboards. Chalking on all other chalkboards on campus will be erased each evening.
- Student organizations should not chalk or otherwise mark sidewalks, walls, or any other surface.
Campus Video Screens
To advertise your event on the HLS video screens, submit your poster using this form with a high resolution JPG or PNG file. The dimensions must be 1207 pixels (width) by 793 pixels (height).
Other Advertising Ideas
Email invitations and Facebook events are also great ways to advertise upcoming events.
Paid Advertisement Policy
The Office of Community Engagement, Equity, and Belonging prohibits student organizations from purchasing paid advertisements (for example, paid Facebook promotions) to advertise their events. We recommend instead that you utilize the Calendar at Law, which is free and open to the public.
- Go to and set up your free account.
- At the top right corner of the screen, where it says “Create a design,” you should see a button that says “Use custom dimensions.”
- Enter the dimensions required for your project (see specifications for posters and screens above). Then, click “Design!” to generate your canvas.
- Design your poster from the options on the left side of the screen. Add text, shapes, images, layouts, backgrounds and more.
- When you are done, click “Download” in the blue bar at the top, right hand side of the screen. Select your file type depending on how you plan to use the graphic. If you are printing posters, choose “PDF-Print (Recommended)” and for screens, choose “JPEG”.
Adobe Creative Suite
Several computers around campus are equipped with the Adobe Creative Cloud, which includes Photoshop and InDesign, and Microsoft Office Suite, which includes Microsoft Publisher:
- Four computers in the WCC Student Lab (located in the basement)
- Two computers in the Student Org Workroom
- Four computers in the Mac Lab (located in the HLS Library)
Stock Photos
Only use images on your website that are advertised as free for public use. This includes Creative Commons licensed and public domain material. Unsplash, Wikimedia Commons and Canva are good resources for free stock photos.
If you are looking for stock photos of Harvard Law School related content, you may contact for photos related to your topic.
If you are using stock photos on your website, you must credit the image source in your post or on the page that features the image- even if the website you obtained the photo from doesn’t explicity require it- for the purposes of consistency and best practices.
Name Tags and Tent Cards
Email a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to and cc The Copy Center will create tent cards and name tags for your guests and speakers. Once your order is ready for pick up, you will receive an email from the Copy Center.
Design Tips
- Keep posters clean and straightforward. Your poster will be vying for attention among a sea of other posters. The easier it is to read, the more quickly your audience will understand the message.
- Use text and fonts that are easily readable to someone who may only be looking at a glance. Title text should be legible from 10-15 feet away.
- Make sure date and location are featured prominently.
- Keep text to a minimum and make use of white space.
- Use eye-catching imagery and colors.
- Make sure your poster design is accessible. Avoid using lots of different fonts and having text running in different directions. Make sure that there is enough contrast between colors. For more information, visit APHA’s website.
- IMPORTANT: Posters and flyers for events must include the following accessibility statement: “If you or an event participant requires disability-related accommodations, please contact Student Support Services in the Dean of Students Office, WCC 3039, at, or 617-495-1880.”