The Law School will charge regular Harvard Law School tuition for the period abroad. The tuition costs of the foreign school will be billed to Harvard Law School. If you receive the bill, please forward it to the International Legal Studies office.
Additionally, Harvard will charge you both the University Health Service Fee and the Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance fee. If, after reviewing all of your insurance options, you decide you’d like to waive the Health Service Fee, you will need to contact the Harvard University Insurance Office. If you have appropriate medical coverage, you may also waive the Blue Cross/Blue Shield fee by going to the same web site. If you do not take action to waive one or both of these fees by the cancellation due date, you will be required to pay the fees in full. Please note that under federal student aid regulations, an allowance for the Harvard Student Health Insurance Plan may be included in your student budget only if you are enrolled in the plan. If you waive coverage, the allowance will not be given and your total student budget will be reduced by the amount of the plan fee. Additionally, if you forget to waive this charge and also pay for insurance at the foreign institution, we will only use the Harvard charges in your student budget – we will not make allowances for the cost of two insurance programs.