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Overview and Timeline – Fall Review Process

Every year, Student Financial Services conducts a fall review process to update each student’s financial aid eligibility. The information provided during this process (and outlined below) will be used in our determination of your updated eligibility for the 2024-2025 academic year, which includes your updated need-based financial aid eligibility and your updated total amount of your potential borrowing which will be eligible for loan repayment assistance under LIPP after graduation.

During Step 5, you will complete ALL of the remaining requirements listed on your “Application Requirements” page in the SFS self-service portal . The information provided below will help you understand what is expected of you to complete this step.

The deadline to submit/complete all of your remaining requirements is Monday, September 23rd, 2024 at 5PM.

The Update Process timeline is as follows:

  • Late-August to Early September: Fulfill all requirements listed on your “Application Requirements” page in the SFS Self-Service Portal. This will include the Student Application Update Form, and may also include summer income documentation (final pay stub(s), letters from employers, etc.), and any other documentation necessary to complete your financial aid application.
  • Monday, September 23, 2024 at 5pm: Deadline for all “Application Requirements” to be fulfilled.
  • September to October: Financial Aid Officers review student information and update eligibility.
  • November: Updated Financial Aid Eligibility Notification is sent to all students for the 2024-2025 academic year; updated for need-based financial aid, outside financial aid (scholarships and loans), and the total amount of your potential borrowing which will be eligible for loan repayment assistance under LIPP after graduation.
  • December: HLS Grant is disbursed to student accounts.

The following is a list of requirements that you may see on your Financial aid “Application Requirements” page.  Please refer to your actual list of requirements by logging in to the SFS self-service portal.

ALL items listed on your “Application Requirements” page must be “Received” or “Waived” by September 23rd.

  • Student Application Update Form

    This form is REQUIRED from ALL financial aid recipients, including those receiving only loans and/or those who did not work over the summer. The information provided on this form is used to update our determination of your student resources with regard to financial aid for the 2024-2025 academic year. This, in turn, allows us to update both your HLS Grant eligibility (if you are receiving grant) and any potential future eligibility for loan repayment assistance from LIPP.

    NOTE: All students receiving SPIF (regardless of whether additional summer income documentation in the form of a pay stub/volunteer form is required) still need to complete the Student Application Update Form.

    When completing this form, please note the following definitions of “Summer”:

    • Returning and Transfer Students – Summer is defined as the period between the last day of classes for 2023-2024 and the first day of classes for 2024-2025.
    • Entering Students (Class of 2027 Only) – Summer is defined as the period between 6/1/24 and 8/31/24.
  • Summer Income Documentation: Final Pay Stub and/or Volunteer Form Requirements (Returning and Transfer Students)

    To substantiate the summer income information you will provide on the Student Application Update Form, the following income documentation is also required:

    • Paid Employment (NON-SPIF JOBS)  – All returning/continuing students and new transfer students must submit their FINAL paystub(s) from ALL summer employers directly to HLS Student Financial Services. The final pay stub from each employer must clearly display your name, your total gross earnings, and the pay period end date (which must be equal to or after your last day of work). Our preference is to have your actual final pay stub(s); however, if for some reason the final pay stub(s) is not obtainable, you can have the following form completed by your firm’s HR office or by your direct supervisor – Summer Earnings Verification Form for Paid Employment (PDF).
    • Volunteer Work (NON-SPIF JOBS) – Students doing volunteer work must also document their work. However, in lieu of a pay stub, they should have their employer/supervisor complete and submit our Volunteer Verification Form for Unpaid Summer Employment (PDF). Students should submit the completed form in the SFS Self-Service Portal.
    • SPIF Recipients (Returning Students Only) – Returning/continuing students who were eligible for funding from the HLS Summer Public Interest Funding (SPIF) program DO NOT need to provide income documentation for their SPIF job. However, those who split their summers working between a SPIF JOB and some other type of NON-SPIF employment must submit a final pay stub(s) for their NON-SPIF JOB.
  • Summer Income Documentation: Final Pay Stub and/or Volunteer Form Requirements (Entering Students)

    To substantiate the summer income information you will provide on the Student Application Update Form, the following income documentation is also required:

    • Income greater than $10,000 – All entering 1Ls who reported that they will earn summer income in excess of $10,000 during the summer of 2024 must comply with the same income documentation/pay stub requirements as outlined above for returning and transfer students. In this case, you will already see the Final Pay Stub/Volunteer Form document on your required list. If you did not originally report that you would make more than $10,000 during the summer of 2024 but you actually did, you should see the paystub requirement show up under your Application Requirements after submitting the Student Application Update Form.  In addition, entering students who were working a full time job prior to the summer of 2024 that continued into the summer should be sure to also annotate their documentation in a way that clarifies which portion of any year-to-date earnings was earned prior to June 1st versus after June 1st. This can be done by either (1) attaching a note to the paystub with the specifics of the breakdown or (2) uploading both the first and last paystubs of the summer of 2024.
    • Income less than $10,000 – All entering 1Ls who reported that they will earn summer income less than $10,000 during the summer of 2024 are generally NOT required to submit summer income documentation or pay stubs since their income is, in most cases, not substantial enough to impact their eligibility. However, please note that this is not an absolute. SFS reserves the right to require entering students to document their summer earnings reported on this form with a paystub or other documentation from an employer. If it is determined that we need this documentation, a member of the HLS Student Financial Services staff will contact you directly via email.
  • Verification of Sibling and/or Spouse Enrollment Form(s)

    All HLS Grant recipients who originally reported that they would have one or more siblings or a spouse enrolled in school during the 2024-2025 academic year must submit a verification form to confirm enrollment for each family member. Having siblings or a spouse enrolled in school at the same time as you are enrolled at HLS has a significant impact on our determination of your eligibility for need-based financial. As such, we require this documentation to verify their enrollment. To complete this process, you will need to complete the appropriate form: Sibling Enrollment Verification Form or Spouse Enrollment Verification Form. If you have more than two siblings enrolled, please complete the sibling form as many times as necessary to verify enrollment for all of your siblings. If your family member will no longer be enrolled, please complete the form indicating this where appropriate. Students should submit the completed form(s) in the SFS Self-Service Portal to fulfill the document requirement.

    We accept enrollment forms completed by the HLS student instead of a school official. We recognize the burden of requiring the school’s certification and hope this relieves some stress. HLS students are required to inform SFS immediately if any of the enrollment information changes and failure to do so could result in disciplinary action with the Administrative Board. Additionally, SFS reserves the right to request enrollment documentation from the family member’s school, and/or to follow-up to confirm enrollment at any point during the academic year.

  • All Other Documentation listed as “Not Received”

    All other miscellaneous financial documentation added to your document list by a Financial Aid Officer must be completed prior to the deadline. This includes, but is not limited to:

    • Copies of Spouse’s Pay Stub(s)
    • Documentation of Child Care Expenses
    • Documentation of Spouse’s Education Loan Payments
    • Documentation of Outside Medical Insurance Expenses