In order to begin repayment you first have to know what loans you have borrowed and to whom you will be making payments to.
There are four resources available to help you feel confident you are aware of and know your total student loan history:
- Your HLS Borrowing History Sheet (need Harvard email login). This will show you all the loans that were certified by SFS during your time at HLS
- (need your Federal FSA username and password) – This site will show all of your FEDERAL loans from any institution through which you borrowed federal funds (i.e. Direct Federal loans (subsidized and unsubsidized) and GradPLUS loans) .
- Your credit reports which can be accessed by going to All three reports can be requested once per 12 months. All student loans are report to a credit agency – not every lender uses the same agency. Obtaining your credit reports and comparing them to your HLS borrowing summary sheet as well as the federal loan site, while not required, is a good exercise to verify that you have information on all of your loans and are not missing any lender.
- Your promissory notes.
Once you have a firm grasp of your borrowing history, knowing the logistical details involved in repaying your loans, will be the key to successfully transitioning from borrowing to repayment.
In general, you will begin repayment six or nine months after you separate from the University on 5/13/2022. If you had loans prior to law school and used all of your grace period, those loans will enter repayment 30 -60 days after your separation date. Students who are unable to meet this repayment obligation, will need to contact their lender(s) directly to apply for deferment or forbearance.