National Domestic Workers Alliance
Oakland, CA
Miranda Mammen is a recipient of a PSVF fellowship to work with the National Domestic Workers Alliance in Oakland, CA. Her project will enforce and improve labor standards for domestic workers across the state, including nannies, house cleaners, and personal attendants for elders and people with disabilities. During law school, Miranda worked for two years as a student attorney with the Harvard Legal Aid Bureau, a student-run clinic and the second-largest provider of civil legal services in the greater Boston area. She represented low-income clients in wage theft, divorce, custody, and Special Immigrant Juvenile Status cases. She also served as Vice President for Practice Standards. During her law school summers, Miranda interned with the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, in Boston, and the Equal Justice Society, in Oakland. Before law school, she worked at the National Center for Youth Law, in Oakland, on a project to improve education outcomes for system-involved youth. She graduated with distinction from Stanford University with a B.A. in American Studies.