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Media Mentions

  • Disrupting city hall

    October 20, 2014

    Rarely is the term “city hall” considered synonymous with the words “innovation” or “efficiency.” Too often, the public image of municipal government is of a static bureaucracy staffed with disinterested clock-watchers focused on petty tasks and arcane processes. But two Harvard authorities on government and technology say it doesn’t have to be that way. In their new book, “The Responsive City: Engaging Communities Through Data-Smart Governance,” Stephen Goldsmith, the Daniel Paul Professor of the Practice of Government at Harvard Kennedy School (HKS), and Susan Crawford, the John A. Reilly Visiting Professor in Intellectual Property at Harvard Law School (HLS), offer a road map for managers who want to move beyond the traditional silos of urban government.

  • Thomas Menino, finally has time to read

    October 20, 2014

    Former mayor Thomas Menino hasn’t wasted much time since he left office in January...What kind of books do you like?...I also like to read books about cities. There’s a new book I picked up,“The Responsive City” by Stephen Goldsmith and Susan Crawford about art and technology and cities. I’m proud to say the first chapter is about Boston.

  • Margaret Marshall Confirmed 1st Female Chief Justice Of Mass SJC, 15 Years Ago

    October 17, 2014

    Long before there was a United States Supreme Court, before there was even a United States of America, the court today known as the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts upheld the law of the land here in the Bay State. Fifteen years ago, for the first time in the court's 300-plus year history, a woman was elevated to serve as chief justice. Perhaps the word that best describes Margaret Marshall’s rise to chief justice of the oldest continuously functioning appellate court in the Western Hemisphere is “improbable.” Marshall was born and raised in small town in Apartheid-era South Africa.

  • Man Walks Free After Brooklyn Conviction Vacated

    October 17, 2014

    Nearly 30 years after David McCallum was convicted of murder at age 17 on the strength of a confession he said was beaten out of him—and no other evidence tied him to the crime—he walked out of a Brooklyn courthouse Wednesday as a free man...In July, Michelen made his presentation to Hale and Harvard Law Professor Ronald Sullivan Jr., who is serving as special counsel in charge of the Conviction Review Unit...During the news conference, Sullivan said studies of cases resulting in DNA exonerations over the past 10 to 15 years showed a "supermajority" of the convictions were based on incorrect eyewitness evidence or confessions."We learned false confessions leave a very distinct footprint. You can look at certain confessions and see signs, proxies that problems may occur. One sure footprint is a false-fed fact."

  • Challenges remain, but connections are key

    October 16, 2014

    It was described as a historic event as hundreds of black alumni from across generations gathered at Harvard University over the weekend, many representing its graduate Schools...The opening panel discussion of the weekend focused on important issues of diversity and improving connections between the University and students and alumni...The panelists included Charles Ogletree, professor at Harvard Law School...Ogletree said that when he leaves campus, many people, including police, see him as just another black man. He said he was recently a victim of racial profiling in California, where he was stopped by an officer for apparently no other reason than driving a luxury SUV in a troubled neighborhood. “I still see young people pulled over and arrested, and I wonder how much has really changed,” said Ogletree during the panel discussion. “I am not seeing the amount of progress I expected, given all the people in this room. Why?”

  • Professors protest Harvard’s new sexual assault policy (video)

    October 16, 2014

    Harvard overhauled its sexual misconduct policy for the first time, defining the term "sexual harrassment." As Norah O'Donnell reports, current and former professors say the new procedures "lack the most basic elements of fairness and due process." Includes interview with Professor Elizabeth Bartholet.

  • Knight Prototype Fund Winners: Storytelling, Data, Secure Internet and More

    October 16, 2014

    The Knight Foundation today announced the latest winners of its Knight Prototype Fund. Eighteen projects will receive $35,000 to help them bring their concepts closer to fruition. The fund, launched in 2012, also gives winners a support network and the opportunity to receive human-centered design training in an effort bring early stage media ideas to a formal launch...Meet the winners...Harvard Library Innovation Lab/Berkman Center for Internet & Society (Project lead: Jonathan Zittrain; Cambridge, Mass.): Creating a time-lapse encryption service that will allow archivists, scholars and journalists to securely send a message into the future, so it cannot be read until a certain date or event.

  • Governing in the Smartphone Era

    October 16, 2014

    In 2011, after nine years and a $2-billion investment, New York City’s revamped 911 system still had a major problem: trouble in tracking emergency responses, especially when multiple calls came in about the same incident, or one call involved multiple incidents. This made it nearly impossible for officials to tease out why some city residents waited longer for aid—a matter, potentially, of life and death...These are the kinds of challenges that former Indianapolis mayor Stephen Goldsmith, Paul professor of the practice of government at Harvard Kennedy School, and Susan Crawford, Reilly visiting professor in intellectual property at Harvard Law School (and co-director of Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet & Society), tackle in their new book, The Responsive City: Engaging Communities Through Data-Smart Governance (Wiley). They argue for the transformative power of analytics in city governments, so that—once innovators cut through the red tape—simple changes can connect elected officials and city employees to each other and to the citizens they serve.

  • Harvard Law Professors Say New Sexual Assault Policy Is One-Sided

    October 16, 2014

    Just a few months after Harvard University announced a new, tougher policy against campus sexual assault, a group of Harvard law professors is blasting the rules as unfair..."The Harvard policy goes so far that it's pretty shocking," says Harvard Law professor Janet Halley. She says Harvard's process, at its core, is biased, because it is run by a single Title IX compliance office that's under pressure to show the government results. "It's the charging agent like the prosecutor, it's the investigator — they're the judge, and they're the [people] who hears the appeal from all those decisions," she says. "So they're not neutral. They're there to increase the number of persons held responsible."Halley is also troubled that the policy, she says, gives alleged victims many more rights and protections than the accused. She says it is also too broad in what it considers sexual misconduct. The school, she argues, relies too much on what a victim says is a violation, and too little on what a "reasonable person might say," as federal law requires.

  • Some Harvard Professors Oppose Policy on Assaults

    October 16, 2014

    Dozens of Harvard Law School faculty members are asking the university to withdraw its new sexual misconduct policy, saying that it violates basic principles of fairness and would do more harm than good...“It’s a totally secret process, in which real genuine unfairnesses can happen, and it’s so airtight that no one would know,” Janet Halley, one of the professors who signed the article, said Wednesday.

  • Facebook And Apple Are Now Paying For Egg Freezing

    October 15, 2014

    Facebook and Apple will offer employees the medical option of freezing their eggs. Supporters say the perk will empower women in the workplace, while critics argue delaying childbirth isn't the answer to lowering the glass ceiling...Guests: I. Glenn Cohen @CohenProf (Cambridge, MA) Co-director, Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, & Bioethics

  • Can Big Data Cure Cancer?

    October 15, 2014

    Picture a hospital where patients input information about their current conditions on tablets in the waiting room. During the examination, doctor and patient talk about the patient’s hobby of biking. He would like to continue it, but his speeds are slowing down because of knee pain, as the doctor can see from the data he uploaded from his personal fitness tracker into his health record...“No one ever thought your doctor needed explicit consent before he could talk about your case with a colleague,” [Glenn] Cohen says. Yet, this learning from past experience is about to happen on a larger scale with big data, and it’s presenting sticky legal issues.

  • Ready for a Patented Supreme Court Smackdown?

    October 15, 2014

    An op-ed by Noah Feldman. When is a court not like court? The answer to this riddle is: When it’s the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. This special court was imbued with special powers when it was created by Congress in 1982, including the authority to hear appeals from the federal district courts in essentially all patent cases. Such is the uniqueness of the Federal Circuit that, even though appeals courts are supposed to defer to lower courts’ factual findings, the court reviews the interpretation of patents from scratch, granting no deference. The Supreme Court -- which drubbed the federal circuit last term -- is now poised to decide whether the appeals court has exceeded its authority by adopting this unique practice.

  • Apple, Facebook Will Pay for Employees to Freeze Their Eggs

    October 15, 2014

    As enrollment for next year's health benefits goes on in work places around the United States, Apple and Facebook say they're willing to pay for employees to freeze their eggs...Glenn Cohen, a professor at Harvard Law School and an expert in the intersection of bioethics and law, said the perk could be perceived in several different lights. "The good is that it empowers women and gives them more choices they might not have afforded otherwise," Cohen told ABC News. "The bad is it communicates a message to women that their workplaces may not be tolerant to women who decide to have children on the job and potentially also has more women undergoing a procedure that carries risks that they might not in the end need."

  • Obama, Not Bush, Is the Master of Unilateral War

    October 15, 2014

    An op-ed by Jack Goldsmith and Matthew Waxman. Late in the summer of 2013, President Barack Obama pulled back from his announced plans to use unilateral military force against Syria and stated that he would instead seek Congress’s approval. “I believe our democracy is stronger when the president acts with the support of Congress,” and “America acts more effectively abroad when we stand together,” he said. “This is especially true after a decade that put more and more war-making power in the hands of the president … while sidelining the people’s representatives from the critical decisions about when we use force.” Congress never authorized Obama to use force in Syria, and Russian President Vladimir Putin gave him an out by brokering a deal to eliminate Syria’s chemical weapons. But Obama’s statement on the need for congressional consent, and the noted contrast with his predecessor, are nonetheless clarifying in their irony.

  • With funding low, many legal cases going undefended

    October 15, 2014

    Massachusetts legal aid organizations turned away nearly two-thirds of people qualifying for civil legal assistance over the last year due to a lack of funding, leaving thousands of low-income residents without representation in cases from domestic violence to foreclosure, according to the findings of a statewide task force to be released Wednesday. More than 30,000 low-income clients were denied legal services in 2013, meaning many were unable to pursue cases or were left to represent themselves in court, where they often lost their cases, according to the 37-page report. “The overused word ‘crisis’ actually applies here,” said Harvard Law School’s dean, Martha Minow, a member of the task force. “When you have people who are literally not represented in actions where they can lose their homes or face physical violence, where they can’t get legal remedies to which they’re entitled, there’s a failure to live up to the rule of law.”

  • Rethink Harvard’s sexual harassment policy

    October 15, 2014

    An op-ed by 28 members of the Harvard Law School faculty. As members of the faculty of Harvard Law School, we write to voice our strong objections to the Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures imposed by the central university administration and the Corporation on all parts of the university, including the law school. We strongly endorse the importance of protecting our students from sexual misconduct and providing an educational environment free from the sexual and other harassment that can diminish educational opportunity. But we believe that this particular sexual harassment policy adopted by Harvard will do more harm than good.

  • Teachers decry Harvard’s shift on sex assaults

    October 15, 2014

    Twenty-eight current and retired Harvard Law School professors are asking the university to abandon its new sexual misconduct policy and craft different guidelines for investigating allegations, asserting that the new rules violate the due process rights of the accused. “This is an issue of political correctness run amok,” said Alan M. Dershowitz, an emeritus Harvard Law professor who was among the faculty members signing an article, sent to the Globe’s Opinion page, that is critical of the new procedures...The professors said the new policy fails to ensure adequate representation for the accused and includes rules governing sexual conduct between two impaired students that are “starkly one-sided as between complainants and respondents, and entirely inadequate to address the complex issues involved in these unfortunate situations involving extreme use and abuse of alcohol and drugs by our students.” In addition to Dershowitz, faculty members who signed the letter included Elizabeth Bartholet, Nancy Gertner, and Charles Ogletree.

  • Ind. Right-To-Work Law Preempted, 7th Circ. Hears

    October 14, 2014

    Federal law preempts an Indiana right-to-work provision that prohibits employers from forcing union membership or union dues as a condition of employment, a group of law professors told the Seventh Circuit, urging the appeals court to reconsider a challenge to the law. Siding with a union that has challenged the validity of Indiana's right-to-work statute, two professors — Harvard Law School's Benjamin I. Sachs and the University of California at Irvine's Catherine L. Fisk — argued on Thursday in an amicus brief that the Indiana law and those of its ilk in other states should be preempted by the National Labor Relations Act and other federal labor laws. That preemption, the professors said, applies to the extent that the Indiana and other state right-to-work laws interfere with collective bargaining agreements that require nonunion employees to pay dues or fees less than the union amounts.

  • Nobel-Winning Message for the FCC

    October 14, 2014

    An op-ed by Susan Crawford. Jean Tirole's Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences is being celebrated on both sides of the Atlantic by academics and economists. But there is no joy in the power circles of U.S. telecommunications policy. More than a decade ago, federal policy makers turned their backs on Tirole's sensible assessments of private communications utilities -- and with disastrous results. Tirole's insight was that any company controlling physical lines into homes and businesses, left to its own devices, would act as a natural monopoly, extracting tribute from every other business and customer that depends on communications capacity. To constrain that power, regulators might need to separate wholesale and retail communications-access services, and require interconnection with other networks.

  • Classroom to courtroom

    October 14, 2014

    Harvard Law School students with the Harvard Immigration and Refugee Clinical Program (HIRC) were working with Greater Boston Legal Services on a case involving a Guatemalan man in the summer of 2013 when they collectively had an “aha” moment. The pressure was high, and everybody was working on two sets of legal briefs that were due before the court. “We were having a meeting here, and all of a sudden everybody understood what was on the table, and the writing was very powerful,” said John Willshire Carrera, co-director of the HIRC site at Greater Boston Legal Services. The HIRC program trains students to represent refugees seeking asylum in the United States, as well as other immigrants, said Deborah Anker, the program’s director and a clinical professor of law.