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Media Mentions

  • New Policy Goes Only Partway in Helping Struggling Homeowners

    December 15, 2014

    Well, that was fast. At a Senate Banking Committee hearing on Nov. 19, Melvin Watt, the director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, was in the hot seat, explaining to Senator Elizabeth Warren why Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had done so little to help families who were facing foreclosure save their homes....Housing advocates like Eloise Lawrence, a staff lawyer with the Harvard Legal Aid Bureau, have an answer. Although expressing disappointment about the limited nature of the directive, Ms. Lawrence described it as “a positive move in the right direction.” She also noted that the bureau has four families who would directly benefit.

  • The Legal Olympian

    December 15, 2014

    Cass Sunstein ’75, J.D. ’78, has been regarded as one of the country’s most influential and adventurous legal scholars for a generation. His scholarly articles have been cited more often than those of any of his peers ever since he was a young professor. At 60, now Walmsley University Professor at Harvard Law School, he publishes significant books as often as many productive academics publish scholarly articles—three of them last year. In each, Sunstein comes across as a brainy and cheerful technocrat, practiced at thinking about the consequences of rules, regulations, and policies, with attention to the linkages between particular means and ends. Drawing on insights from cognitive psychology as well as behavioral economics, he is especially focused on mastering how people make significant choices that promote or undercut their own well-being and that of society, so government and other institutions can reinforce the good and correct for the bad in shaping policy.

  • Expose Racism in the Jury Room

    December 15, 2014

    An op-ed by Noah Feldman. Was there racial bias in the jury rooms of Ferguson, Missouri, and New York's Staten Island? We’ll probably never know -- and if we did, it wouldn’t change the outcome in the cases tied to the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner. According to a 230-year-old rule, courts ordinarily won’t reopen verdicts based on juror testimony about what went on behind closed doors, not even if the evidence would invalidate the verdict. The U.S. Supreme Court strengthened the code of silence yesterday, holding that federal evidence rules bar juror testimony that another juror lied in the jury selection process. But is jury omertà a good thing? It turns out that its meaning and justification have changed considerably over the centuries. In this age of open government and concern about jury racism, it may be time to reconsider a principle that lets the jury get away with almost anything.

  • Professors Behaving Badly

    December 15, 2014

    An op-ed by Noah Feldman. Last week was a bad one for professors. First, Jonathan Gruber, an economist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was raked over the coals by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee for referring to the “stupidity of the American voter.” Then, Ben Edelman, an associate professor at Harvard Business School, was excoriated on the Internet for demanding treble damages after a Chinese restaurant overcharged him $4 on a delivery. If you’re a professor, especially one like me who has worked with the government and on occasion orders Chinese food, incidents like these are occasion for a little soul-searching. Beyond the obvious lesson to be humble -- or at least act humbly -- there's another message hiding: Professors are being held to a higher standard than civilians when it comes to public conduct. And that's a good thing.

  • Traveling Overseas for Medical Care (audio)

    December 15, 2014

    All-inclusive vacations might feature a stay in a luxury hotel, gourmet meals, and in some cases, a hip replacement. Companies that specialize in medical tourism help patients in the U.S. find health care opportunities abroad, often at greatly reduced costs. This hour, we’ll talk about why a million Americans each year travel overseas for medical care and the legal and ethical gray areas of this growing trend. Guests: Glenn Cohen, professor of law and bioethics at Harvard, author of “Patients with Passports: Medical Tourism, Law and Ethics”.

  • When Unhappy Donors Want Their Money Back

    December 15, 2014

    For most people, giving money to charity feels great. Asking for the money back is a whole different story. Yet philanthropy experts say donors increasingly are doing just that: requesting “refunds” on gifts they feel have been misused, ignored, or spent in a way that strays from their original reason for giving...“About 30 states have the Uniform Trust Code, which authorizes donor standing to enforce a charitable trust,” says Robert Sitkoff, a professor at Harvard Law School who studies wills, trusts and estates. But “a New York court has gone further, recognizing donor standing to enforce other kinds of charitable gifts, too.”

  • RIP: Obama the Campaign-Finance Reformer

    December 15, 2014

    President Barack Obama in 2008 pledged to blunt the power of big money interests in politics. Instead, he's overseeing the return of a gilded age with billionaires running their own parties out of high-rise offices and candidates spending more of their time mingling with them behind closed doors. ..."He did literally nothing in the whole of his administration to address either the way congressional elections are funded or how presidential elections are funded," said Larry Lessig, a Harvard Law professor whose super-PAC spent $10 million this year trying to elect candidates who support limiting the influence of money in campaigns. "He hasn't even floated an idea."

  • Affiliates Raise Hands, Snarl Traffic in Largest Harvard Protest Yet Following Non-Indictments

    December 15, 2014

    Hundreds of Harvard affiliates from across the University’s schools brought traffic in and around Harvard and Central squares to a standstill Friday evening as they marched through Cambridge streets in protest of racial prejudice in the criminal justice system...Before concluding the hour-long string of speeches, poetry, and songs, Victoria I. White-Mason [`15], a Law School student who organized the demonstration, told fellow protesters to remain peaceful as their demonstration proceeded into the Square. White-Mason also invited representatives from other Harvard schools to a stage organizers had set up, asking them to read “oaths” that vowed commitment to fighting racial inequality in their respective disciplines and professions.

  • Why Free Marketeers Don’t Buy Climate Science

    December 15, 2014

    An op-ed by Cass R. Sunstein. It is often said that people who don't want to solve the problem of climate change reject the underlying science, and hence don't think there's any problem to solve. But consider a different possibility: Because they reject the proposed solution, they dismiss the science. If this is right, our whole picture of the politics of climate change is off. Here’s an analogy. Say your doctor tells you that you must undergo a year of grueling treatment for a serious illness. You might question the diagnosis and insist on getting a second opinion. But if the doctor says you can cure the same problem simply by taking a pill, you might just take the pill without asking further questions.

  • Marketplace Tech for Friday, December 12, 2014

    December 12, 2014

    First up, Jonathan Zittrain of Harvard Law School talks about the implications behind Google News shutting down operations in Spain. And Tony Gallippi, Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of BitPay, explains why Bitcoin may become more mainstream … especially now that Microsoft has started accepting it. Plus, how well have you kept up with the week in tech news? It's time for Silicon Tally. This week, host Ben Johnson takes on Paul Kedrosky, partner at SK Ventures.

  • Americans Involved in Torture Can Be Prosecuted Abroad, Analysts Say

    December 12, 2014

    The United States is obliged by international law to investigate its citizens suspected of engaging in torture, but even if it does not, Americans who ordered or carried out torture can be prosecuted abroad, by legal bodies including the International Criminal Court, legal experts say. ...But for Ms. Bensouda, who has had enormous difficulty even gaining custody of some of her most high-profile defendants, let alone winning convictions, the prospect of going after Americans could prove especially tricky. The court is still new, and fragile, said one of her former colleagues, Alex Whiting, and picking a fight with the United States could be “damaging” to the court’s standing in the world. “On the other hand the legitimacy of the court depends on it reaching a point where it treats countries alike,” said Mr. Whiting, who was the prosecution coordinator in The Hague from 2010 until last year and now teaches law at Harvard University. “The court is in a very difficult position on this.”

  • Levine on Wall Street: Swaps Pushed Back In, Harvard Gets in Trouble

    December 12, 2014

    ... Here is an utterly loony paper by Securities Exchange Commissioner Daniel Gallagher and former SEC commissioner Joseph Grundfest arguing that Harvard is violating the securities laws in its Shareholder Rights Project. That project, run by Harvard professor Lucian Bebchuk, submits shareholder proposals to public companies asking them to de-stagger their boards, so that all directors are elected every year instead of electing one-third of directors a year to three-year terms. Staggered boards make activism hard and hostile takeovers nearly impossible, and so are often viewed as shareholder-unfriendly. There is some empirical evidence that they are in fact bad for shareholders. There is other empirical evidence that they are good for shareholders. There is yet other empirical evidence that they are sometimes good and sometimes bad. (This is how empirical corporate governance research always works out, by the way.)

  • ‘Senior status’ lets federal judges keep working — for free

    December 12, 2014

    Seasoned judges like Wolf and Ponsor, who oversaw the only two death penalty trials in the state in modern times, and veteran judges Rya W. Zobel and Joseph L. Tauro recently went on senior status, creating the vacancies that allowed for the appointments. Retired federal judge Nancy Gertner, who stepped down in 2011 and now teaches at Harvard, said she chose to leave the bench entirely so that she could speak more openly about judicial matters, something she wouldn’t be able to do as a judge. She recently wrote a Globe column criticizing the legal process used in the Ferguson, Mo., police shooting investigation. She has also has given media interviews, and said, “I feel freer now to be critical.” “Do I miss the bench? Yes, there’s something very special about being able to assess a just result, in your courtroom,” she said.

  • Inversions Are Last Step in Companies’ Tax-Avoidance Hopscotch

    December 12, 2014

    The surge in U.S. companies avoiding taxes by taking a foreign address has been condemned by President Barack Obama and stirred a policy debate in Congress. What’s often overlooked is that these “inversions” are typically a final step in a hopscotch of multinational tax dodging. ... The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a group funded by governments around the world, is attempting to restrict profit shifting. Its initiatives could affect U.S. companies including Google Inc., Apple Inc., and Starbucks Corp. “Transfer pricing is the elephant in the room,” said Stephen E. Shay, former deputy assistant secretary for international tax affairs at the Obama Treasury Department, now a professor at Harvard Law School. “Transfer pricing is what makes inversions even more valuable.”

  • Silicon Valley companies paying hackers ‘bounties’ to find their flaws before crooks do

    December 11, 2014

    With cyberattacks seemingly getting worse every day, a bidding war has broken out between Silicon Valley tech giants and black marketeers for the talents of hackers who spot software vulnerabilities that can be used to steal everything from corporate trade secrets to consumers' financial information....But critics fear that U.S. and other authorities sometimes fail to correct these flaws, leaving the public dangerously exposed, and that the purchase of bugs by various nations is fueling the black market. "The actions of world governments to buy these things has made it more likely that hackers will sell vulnerabilities and we will all remain vulnerable," said Bruce Schneier, a fellow at Harvard Law School's Berkman Center for Internet and Society.

  • Law Students Grieved by Grand Jury Decisions

    December 11, 2014

    Students at a number of top U.S. law schools have asked that winter-term deadlines be extended because they are upset over the recent grand jury decisions in the Eric Garner and Michael Brown cases. “We have no faith in our justice system, which systematically oppresses black and brown people,” read a Dec. 7 letter from the Harvard Law School Affinity Group Coalition to the university’s administration. “We are afraid for our lives and for the lives of our families. We are in pain. And we are tired.” ...McKenzie Morris [`15], president of the Harvard Black Law Students Association, said in an email to Epoch Times that the students’ reaction to both the Brown and Garner cases was based on both legal reasoning and life experience. “Students were devastated when the Ferguson grand jury decision came out,” wrote Morris. “When the Garner decision came out, we were absolutely distraught. Pouring salt into an already open wound doesn’t even come close to the devastation we and so many Americans felt. Each decision, and so many other cases, are collectively the reason why we are working so hard to try to make change.”

  • As views on race relations dim, Obama grasps for historical context

    December 11, 2014

    After President Obama was sworn in as the nation's first African-American president, Americans had a bright outlook on race relations: 66 percent of Americans in April 2009 said race relations were generally good. More than five years later, the latest CBS News poll shows, views on race relations have dimmed dramatically. Just 45 percent say race relations are generally good, the lowest figure in CBS News polling since 1997. ...In some ways, improving attitudes about race have made the more persistent social problems harder to root out, historians say. "Whereas few publicly argue today that Jim Crow was justified, no one can dispute that law enforcement has a legitimate interest in ensuring public safety. Officers sometimes are justified in using force," Prof. Tomiko Brown-Nagin, a constitutional law expert at Harvard, told CBS. "The question is whether law enforcement officers police fairly, and whether there is accountability in the criminal justice system when officers engage in misconduct."

  • Harvard Law students ask for finals delay after protest (video)

    December 11, 2014

    Students at some of the most prestigious law schools across the country have spent the past two weeks protesting, and now they're saying they didn't have time to study for finals. The students, including some from Harvard University, asked school officials to postpone finals. “When the law does something so flagrantly ill law students need to say something about it and do something about it,” Harvard Law student Dami Animashaun [`16] said....“There are some things more important than an exam. Give us a chance to actually do some real things that have implications, then we can come back and finish our exams,” Martin Njoroge [`17] said.

  • SEC Commissioner Warns Harvard of Vulnerability

    December 11, 2014

    A top official at the Securities and Exchange Commission has taken the unusual step of saying Harvard University could be vulnerable to legal action from the agency or investors over a corporate governance project. In an academic paper, Daniel Gallagher, one of five SEC commissioners, criticized the Shareholder Rights Project at Harvard, which helps large investors like pension funds file shareholder ballot measures meant to help investors get more influence over corporate boards...Lucian Bebchuk, director of the Harvard project, rejected any suggestion the project’s efforts violate securities laws, saying its work is “entirely consistent with SEC rules and not false or misleading in any way.”

  • Tsarnaev trial: Let’s not relive the Marathon bombings

    December 10, 2014

    An op-ed by Nancy Gertner, Michael B. Keating and Martin F. Murphy. On Jan. 5, we are set to relive the Boston Marathon bombing when Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s trial begins. For months after that, a cast of thousands — lawyers, court officials, jurors, police officers, survivors, evidence technicians, and an army of photographers and reporters — will gather at the federal courthouse in South Boston to recreate those days in April 2013. Prosecutors will show photos and videos of the bleeding, dazed victims. The wounded survivors at the finish line and the brave families of the four who died that week — two young women, an 8-year-old boy, and an MIT police officer — will be asked to re-experience the trauma that they (and we) can never forget. And round-the-clock news reporting will rekindle the emotions the event engendered. But the fact is, it is not inevitable: There need not be a trial at all.

  • Supreme Court Doesn’t Understand Wage Labor

    December 10, 2014

    An op-ed by Noah Feldman. Back in the 1940s, when the U.S. Supreme Court last spent a lot of time struggling with the question of what parts of a worker’s day were included in the job for the purposes of getting an hourly wage, the cases tended to come out 5-4. Then, liberals inclined toward unions while moderates and conservatives preferred employers. Times have changed. Today, the Supreme Court issued a 9-0 decision that warehouse employees who spend their days fulfilling Amazon orders won’t be paid for mandatory end of the day screening designed to check if they’ve stolen anything from the shelves. To do so, the court interpreted the 1947 Portal to Portal Act essentially as a pro-employer law. And the liberal justices were supremely uninterested in the moral logic of employee compensation.