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Media Mentions

  • More than ‘enough is enough’

    December 17, 2014

    An op-ed by Charles J. Ogletree Jr. and David J. Harris. Last week thousands of demonstrators in Greater Boston and throughout the nation voiced their outrage at the decision of two grand juries not to indict white police officers in the deaths of unarmed black men, as well as the corruption and bias embedded in our law enforcement system. As veterans of civil rights struggles spanning nearly a half century, we felt heartened by the reemergence of young people as a force for change. Indeed, we experienced the collective refrain of “Enough is enough” as sweet music. But even as we nodded in agreement, we found ourselves asking a few follow-up questions: When is enough not enough? When are rage and protest necessary, but not sufficient? How do we transform “enough is enough” into “we demand more?”

  • Sudbury clergy hope to foster civil tongues

    December 16, 2014

    Perturbed by the incivility that has permeated political discourse in town the past couple years, a local clergy association has enlisted the help of outside mediators to solve the problem. Through the collaboration, the Harvard Negotiation and Mediation Clinical Program and Sudbury Clergy Association will hold listening sessions and focus groups with townspeople this coming spring with the aim of figuring out what’s wrong in Sudbury...“HNMCP is deeply honored to have been invited by the Sudbury Clergy Association to provide counsel and advice based on our experience in negotiation and conflict management,” professor Robert Bordone, the program’s director, said in a statement.

  • The Movie Awards You’ve Been Waiting For

    December 16, 2014

    An op-ed by Cass Sunstein. The Becons, in just their third year of existence, are already the most coveted of the year-end movie awards. (For those who have been on Mars, the Becons are the Behavioral Economics Oscars.) This year has been a spectacular one for movies with behavioral economics themes, and it has been unusually difficult to pick the winners. But without further ado:

  • When the Law Gives Everybody But You a Break

    December 16, 2014

    An op-ed by Noah Feldman...I thought of my client on Friday when the Supreme Court agreed to take up the question of retroactivity in connection with its holding that juvenile offenders may not constitutionally be sentenced to life without parole. The doctrine the Supreme Court applies when it ordinarily declines to make its decisions retroactive to convicted defendants is one of the strangest and most horrifying doctrines in the entire body of constitutional law. It’s almost impossible to justify from the standpoint of the Supreme Court’s job to interpret the Constitution. Its rationale is based entirely on practicality. Unfortunately, that practicality enables our system to keep people jailed even when the courts admit that their incarceration violates the Constitution.

  • For Police, Ignorance Excuses

    December 16, 2014

    An op-ed by Noah Feldman. Well, you heard it here first: Ignorance of the law is an excuse, so long as you're the police. Or so the U.S. Supreme Court has said in a 8-1 decision that symbolically strengthened the hand of the police to make stops even on the basis of nonexistent laws. The court split hairs, explaining that police ignorance is excusable only when the crime for which the defendant was convicted is different from the nonexistent crime for which he was stopped and searched. If that sounds iffy, it is. Here's why.

  • Are “Works Councils” Really Such a Good Idea for Workers and Unions?

    December 16, 2014

    Labor may be at a turning point in this country. New campaigns have started to infuse fresh energy into a moribund and declining movement, and new models of collective action are being proposed in the course of these ongoing efforts. While the existing National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)/National Mediation Board (NMB) certification election-contractual bargaining system still functions on paper, in practice it has broken down...There’s absolutely no doubt that if workers are going to ultimately make their own destiny that a new model or approach is needed for unions. One that has been proposed, separately by the UAW at the much-discussed Chattanooga, Tennessee, Volkwagen plant, by Harvard Law School professor Benjamin Sachs, and by labor lawyer and writer Tom Geoghegan is the implementation of works councils in the United States.

  • Can Sony Get Around the First Amendment to Sue the Media Over the Hack?

    December 16, 2014

    On Sunday night, famed attorney David Boies sent a threatening letter on behalf of Sony Pictures to The Hollywood Reporter, The New York Times and other news organizations demanding destruction of stolen information and warning of consequences for publishing the company's secrets...That decision offers tremendous hope for news organizations that Sony's threats against the news media are empty. "Unless the media is involved in the hacks themselves, the Bartnicki case puts the law on the side of the media," says Andy Sellars at Harvard University's Berkman Center for Internet & Society.

  • Honor Roll

    December 16, 2014

    We recognize four outstanding contributors to Harvard Magazine for their work on readers’ behalf in 2014, and happily confer on each a $1,000 honorarium...The talented Michael Zuckerman ’10 (a writer, Lowell House resident tutor, and first-year Harvard Law student) took readers inside undergraduate life today in “The Lowell Speeches Project” (September-October), a model of warmth and clarity. He also reported in print in the same issue (“Citizen Scholars,”) and has written astutely online, on Teach for America and other topics. It is fitting to celebrate his contributions with the Smith-Weld Prize which honors thought-provoking writing about Harvard in memory of A. Calvert Smith ’14, a former secretary to the Governing Boards and executive assistant to President James Bryant Conant, and of Philip S. Weld ’36, a former president of the magazine.

  • As Congress Lawyers Up Harvard’s Cass Sunstein Defends the Technocrats

    December 16, 2014

    How much power should a president have? Anyone who thought America settled that question late in the 18th Century with the ratification of the Constitution hasn’t been paying attention to the news. The Speaker, John Boehner, has hired law professor Jonathan Turley to represent the House in a lawsuit over President Obama’s unilateral changes to the health care law...Into this fight wades a Harvard Law School professor, Cass Sunstein, with a new paper that attempts to provide a theoretical rationale for increased executive authority and discretion. Professor Sunstein, who served in the Obama administration, offers his essay with the warning that it is “subject to substantial revision” and was “originally intended for oral presentation” as the keynote lecture at the University of Chicago Legal Forum. Professor Sunstein’s essay defines and describes a new ill he calls “Partyism.”

  • Delaying Exams Is Not a Request from Coddled Millennials (registration)

    December 16, 2014

    An op-ed by William Desmond [`15]. Over the last week, much has been said about law students’ petitioning for exam extensions in light of the circumstances surrounding the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner at the hands of police officers. Students at Harvard Law School, Columbia Law School, Georgetown University Law Center and several other schools requested that their administrations allow extensions on final exams for students who have been confronting the aftermath of the recent failed grand jury indictments of the officers who killed the unarmed black men. In response, opponents of exam extensions have declared that to grant these requests would be a disservice to the students. Law students, they argue, must learn how to engage critically with the law in the face of intense adversity...Speaking as one of those law students, I can say that this response is misguided: Our request for exam extensions is not being made from a position of weakness, but rather from one of strength and critical awareness.

  • The Trouble with Teaching Rape Law

    December 15, 2014

    An op-ed by Jeannie Suk. Imagine a medical student who is training to be a surgeon but who fears that he’ll become distressed if he sees or handles blood. What should his instructors do? Criminal-law teachers face a similar question with law students who are afraid to study rape law...But my experience at Harvard over the past couple of years tells me that the environment for teaching rape law and other subjects involving gender and violence is changing. Students seem more anxious about classroom discussion, and about approaching the law of sexual violence in particular, than they have ever been in my eight years as a law professor.

  • New Policy Goes Only Partway in Helping Struggling Homeowners

    December 15, 2014

    Well, that was fast. At a Senate Banking Committee hearing on Nov. 19, Melvin Watt, the director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, was in the hot seat, explaining to Senator Elizabeth Warren why Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had done so little to help families who were facing foreclosure save their homes....Housing advocates like Eloise Lawrence, a staff lawyer with the Harvard Legal Aid Bureau, have an answer. Although expressing disappointment about the limited nature of the directive, Ms. Lawrence described it as “a positive move in the right direction.” She also noted that the bureau has four families who would directly benefit.

  • The Legal Olympian

    December 15, 2014

    Cass Sunstein ’75, J.D. ’78, has been regarded as one of the country’s most influential and adventurous legal scholars for a generation. His scholarly articles have been cited more often than those of any of his peers ever since he was a young professor. At 60, now Walmsley University Professor at Harvard Law School, he publishes significant books as often as many productive academics publish scholarly articles—three of them last year. In each, Sunstein comes across as a brainy and cheerful technocrat, practiced at thinking about the consequences of rules, regulations, and policies, with attention to the linkages between particular means and ends. Drawing on insights from cognitive psychology as well as behavioral economics, he is especially focused on mastering how people make significant choices that promote or undercut their own well-being and that of society, so government and other institutions can reinforce the good and correct for the bad in shaping policy.

  • Expose Racism in the Jury Room

    December 15, 2014

    An op-ed by Noah Feldman. Was there racial bias in the jury rooms of Ferguson, Missouri, and New York's Staten Island? We’ll probably never know -- and if we did, it wouldn’t change the outcome in the cases tied to the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner. According to a 230-year-old rule, courts ordinarily won’t reopen verdicts based on juror testimony about what went on behind closed doors, not even if the evidence would invalidate the verdict. The U.S. Supreme Court strengthened the code of silence yesterday, holding that federal evidence rules bar juror testimony that another juror lied in the jury selection process. But is jury omertà a good thing? It turns out that its meaning and justification have changed considerably over the centuries. In this age of open government and concern about jury racism, it may be time to reconsider a principle that lets the jury get away with almost anything.

  • Professors Behaving Badly

    December 15, 2014

    An op-ed by Noah Feldman. Last week was a bad one for professors. First, Jonathan Gruber, an economist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was raked over the coals by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee for referring to the “stupidity of the American voter.” Then, Ben Edelman, an associate professor at Harvard Business School, was excoriated on the Internet for demanding treble damages after a Chinese restaurant overcharged him $4 on a delivery. If you’re a professor, especially one like me who has worked with the government and on occasion orders Chinese food, incidents like these are occasion for a little soul-searching. Beyond the obvious lesson to be humble -- or at least act humbly -- there's another message hiding: Professors are being held to a higher standard than civilians when it comes to public conduct. And that's a good thing.

  • Traveling Overseas for Medical Care (audio)

    December 15, 2014

    All-inclusive vacations might feature a stay in a luxury hotel, gourmet meals, and in some cases, a hip replacement. Companies that specialize in medical tourism help patients in the U.S. find health care opportunities abroad, often at greatly reduced costs. This hour, we’ll talk about why a million Americans each year travel overseas for medical care and the legal and ethical gray areas of this growing trend. Guests: Glenn Cohen, professor of law and bioethics at Harvard, author of “Patients with Passports: Medical Tourism, Law and Ethics”.

  • When Unhappy Donors Want Their Money Back

    December 15, 2014

    For most people, giving money to charity feels great. Asking for the money back is a whole different story. Yet philanthropy experts say donors increasingly are doing just that: requesting “refunds” on gifts they feel have been misused, ignored, or spent in a way that strays from their original reason for giving...“About 30 states have the Uniform Trust Code, which authorizes donor standing to enforce a charitable trust,” says Robert Sitkoff, a professor at Harvard Law School who studies wills, trusts and estates. But “a New York court has gone further, recognizing donor standing to enforce other kinds of charitable gifts, too.”

  • RIP: Obama the Campaign-Finance Reformer

    December 15, 2014

    President Barack Obama in 2008 pledged to blunt the power of big money interests in politics. Instead, he's overseeing the return of a gilded age with billionaires running their own parties out of high-rise offices and candidates spending more of their time mingling with them behind closed doors. ..."He did literally nothing in the whole of his administration to address either the way congressional elections are funded or how presidential elections are funded," said Larry Lessig, a Harvard Law professor whose super-PAC spent $10 million this year trying to elect candidates who support limiting the influence of money in campaigns. "He hasn't even floated an idea."

  • Affiliates Raise Hands, Snarl Traffic in Largest Harvard Protest Yet Following Non-Indictments

    December 15, 2014

    Hundreds of Harvard affiliates from across the University’s schools brought traffic in and around Harvard and Central squares to a standstill Friday evening as they marched through Cambridge streets in protest of racial prejudice in the criminal justice system...Before concluding the hour-long string of speeches, poetry, and songs, Victoria I. White-Mason [`15], a Law School student who organized the demonstration, told fellow protesters to remain peaceful as their demonstration proceeded into the Square. White-Mason also invited representatives from other Harvard schools to a stage organizers had set up, asking them to read “oaths” that vowed commitment to fighting racial inequality in their respective disciplines and professions.

  • Why Free Marketeers Don’t Buy Climate Science

    December 15, 2014

    An op-ed by Cass R. Sunstein. It is often said that people who don't want to solve the problem of climate change reject the underlying science, and hence don't think there's any problem to solve. But consider a different possibility: Because they reject the proposed solution, they dismiss the science. If this is right, our whole picture of the politics of climate change is off. Here’s an analogy. Say your doctor tells you that you must undergo a year of grueling treatment for a serious illness. You might question the diagnosis and insist on getting a second opinion. But if the doctor says you can cure the same problem simply by taking a pill, you might just take the pill without asking further questions.

  • Marketplace Tech for Friday, December 12, 2014

    December 12, 2014

    First up, Jonathan Zittrain of Harvard Law School talks about the implications behind Google News shutting down operations in Spain. And Tony Gallippi, Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of BitPay, explains why Bitcoin may become more mainstream … especially now that Microsoft has started accepting it. Plus, how well have you kept up with the week in tech news? It's time for Silicon Tally. This week, host Ben Johnson takes on Paul Kedrosky, partner at SK Ventures.